You and Njits are intelligent people and I enjoy debating with you two, and I'm not the biggest Legolas Fan myself. He was actually my least favorite character in LOTR and I personally thought the Oliphant scene was pretty ridicules. Yes Legolas hopping on Dwarves was silly, and I'm sure little kids will love it, which is why I have a feeling PJ started doing Super Legolas in Two Towers.
About CGI in regards to Legolas doing the Super Human feats. Well, to be honest If they would have used practical effects on the Dwarves hopscotch it would have looked even more silly in my opinion. I know Tauriel(spl) did some things, but it was more toned down.
Believe me, I'm a fan of Less is more in movies, and like I said, Amon Hen was by far one of the most intense action sequences in the entire LOTR and we got to see Legolas do really amazing things without many effects. Legolas in Lake town, the things were still super human, but it wasn't as cartoony as the other two parts he was in. Honestly, his battle with blog was pretty gritty, and reminded me a little of Aragorn vs. Lurtz. Aragorn would always take a beating and keep going. Like John McLane!
I used to have the EE DVDs, but they accidently got packed in with Dvds that I was getting rid of. I need to get the Blu-Ray set. I think I'll check ebay out.
I don't mind the CG for the jumping on the heads... there is more... Like Sliding between Orcs feet, standing and shooting quickly. That was CG. that is one example of a cartoon Legolas.
I think of that scene and then I think back to the Extended FOTR when he shoots about 8 orcs and how it was all real (except for CG arrows) and how THAT was so much cooler then his fast paced acrobats in the new one.
I liked Legolas just fine in the LOTR. I Loved the Oliphant scene. It was done well and like I said before it was a set up for the funniest line in the whole series (That still only counts as one). Thing is when Legolas was given his "moment" in the LOTR it was usually just one, somewhat brief, moment (except for the Oliphant).
The new one was just one big, "Oh look how cool Legolas is" during all the action scenes. Like I said many of the "regular" action scenes have a CG Legolas doing some of those things. The above mentioned scene being one example and I believe there are more.
Having said all that... It was not Legolas that ruined my enjoyment. Just sort of annoyed me. I did not mind when they firs announced he would be in it (Loved the Gimli joke) but wish then mad it more of a cameo instead of a big role.
PS - I have enjoyed our debates also
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