Just saw this last in HFR 3D (against my better judgement).
So just to get it out of the way, I hate HFR! It makes everything look cheap! I just couldn't get into the movie, all the time I was thinking "why does this look so bad?". All the camera movements, all the set ups for the scenes just looked terrible. The cinematic effect is completely lost. People complain about the SW PT looking like a vudeo game should be having a feast with Azog and his orcs...
Anyway, on to the movie.
I think more and more PJ's limitations as a director are shining through. All the little things that bother me about his LOTR films are glaring here, just as they were in King Kong and An Unexpected Journey. His penchant for melodrama, the filler material, it's all there, without the benefit of a majestic story.
I enjoy his movies a lot, and I think this one's better than Journey, but without the benefit of a grand story like LOTR, he's clearly a limited director.
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