Cannot stop watching it!!! 

How many times have you watched it?
Four, but I had to get back to work.![]()
The first poster is gorgeous and this trailer left me giddy.
Looks good.
Dragonslayer still has the best looking dragon ever.
Looks fantastic. Action packed, resonating all kinds of classic fantasy adventure vibe. Its also visually stunning, even though I though there's nothing more that Jackson could have shown in this department. The visuals are beautiful.
I suspect the heavy color grading in most scenes (giving it that slight patina of CGI), will be disliked by many. But I think this heavy color enhancment fits great with the kind of fantasy fable vibe that "Hobbit" has, and it will contrast nicely with the more realistic, non-stylised images of LOTR. Plus I believe it simply a natural eye candy, highly stimulating, at least for me.
Ok you guys aren't going to like what I'm going to say....
I thought the new trailer shows all the weaknesses of the new Hobbit films- too much flying camera over landscapes, plastic looking sets, environments, lack of grittiness of LOTR films(HFR?),repeated use of stuff we've seen before shot the same way, the dragon at the end BAD CGI(looks pasted in the shot).
I'm sorry but this is going to make HALF of what the first Hobbit film made. I liked the first one, but only saw it once and have no desire to see it again really. Maybe I'd like it more on blu ray.
I loved the LOTR trilogy- to me it equals the original Star Wars trilogy, so I am a huge fan.
some may cry too much cgi but I agree with your statement on why it does.
Who ever promised that these new movies have to look exactly like LOTR.
Why can't they look different and just enjoy both trilogies for what they are.
Why would cgi have any impact on box office?
Hobbit is not LOTR, I'm not Josh yet even I know this, so I don't expect Hobbit to look and feel exactly like LOTR.
LOTR is more grity because the world was darker by then, in Hobbit the shadow hasn't grown yet.
Ok you guys aren't going to like what I'm going to say....
I thought the new trailer shows all the weaknesses of the new Hobbit films- too much flying camera over landscapes, plastic looking sets, environments, lack of grittiness of LOTR films(HFR?),repeated use of stuff we've seen before shot the same way, the dragon at the end BAD CGI(looks pasted in the shot).
Peter Jackson is a remarkable talent but i just think he's going through the motions and has lost most of the steam he had for LOTR...remember he didn't want to direct these because he stated he had said all he wanted in the original trilogy.
I wonder if the gigantic money spent on these doesn't look like such a great deal that those studios went years through the courts getting the whole thing made.
I'm sorry but this is going to make alot less of what the first Hobbit film made( and I think it was a box office disappointment itself, as expectations were large) I liked the first one, but only saw it once and have no desire to see it again really. Maybe I'd like it more on blu ray.
I loved the LOTR trilogy- to me it equals the original Star Wars trilogy, so I am a huge fan. Just color me letdown on the new films.
You're right many here will not like what you said
Yep- not trying to upset anyone, pure opinion...............
I'm waiting for Interstellar myself as the next "big thing"![]()