The "I passed on Maul" thread.

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Alice Adrenochrome

Super Freak
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
Off-World Colony
The "I passed on Maul for one reason or an other" thread. Tell us why.
I passed for two reasons. I don't like Maul enough to have a 18" tall figure of him standing around. I don't like the way SSC handled this PPO. Otherwise, the figure is a nice addition to the SW PF line.
1.) The exclusive is lame.
2.) I have never bought any Star War Premium Formats from Sideshow.
3.) I'm dropping Star Wars for Marvel! :rock
4.) I'm scared someone hold me!
I passed because his exclusive was lame and he looks just as good as the 12" figure. That's right, I said it. I am content with the little Maul.:maul
Hey, that's my job.

Passed because.

1. 1/6 Maul looks better.
2. I already have Sith Anal Probes
3. I don't collect PF.
4. It's going to be cheaper on fleabay :lol
DannieDarKo said:
1.) The exclusive is lame.
2.) I have never bought any Star War Premium Formats from Sideshow.
3.) I'm dropping Star Wars for Marvel! :rock
4.) I'm scared someone hold me!
Rock on brother, rock on.
I drop the bomb on SW long time ago. My true passion is in comic books.
I passed because...

1. The Exclusive Item is not worth the extra time, effort or $$$ to me.

2. The Exclusive Item does not even go with the Maul featured in the statue in the first place :)confused: )

3. I'll pick up the Regular version later for probably $75-100 less.

Maul = Most overrated Character next to Fett. I don't care about PT as much, and I'm not saying Maul Sucks, but....I just don't care. BRING ON THE MASTER.,.......PALPATINE!:emperor :emperor
I passed. I would love to get into the SW PF line, but no money and no room for more large items.

Although it does look pretty good IMO.
IrishJedi said:
I passed because...

1. The Exclusive Item is not worth the extra time, effort or $$$ to me.

2. The Exclusive Item does not even go with the Maul featured in the statue in the first place :)confused: )

3. I'll pick up the Regular version later for probably $75-100 less.


I passed for the same reasons.
i did get two of the wicked rah kerberus whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Is this post really needed except to throw insults in Sideshow's direction. We get it...some people don't like the Droid.

If you don't like don't order it....bunch of damn Debbie Downers around here!!!