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People use programs built specifically for buying these items. Sucks.

Sent from the Fortress of Solitude.

Unfortunately this. Certain vendors have programs that set a quantity and buy them in a nanosecond. Those on eBay who have them listed are associated with that. I never buy from those bastards. I only buy from fellow collectors who sell theirs later down the road.

Prints are ridiculous as they are generally cheaper than Mondo figures. Thus scammers pile many into their carts and then divide them out to different serves/accounts. We need a fellow freak who's good at that stuff to help us out lol
i've heard of the sniping programs they use on ebay for last minute bidding and such... didn't know it existed for regular stuff too??
I've never used any but it's tempting to look into it for Mondo. Pisses me off that there isn't a way for them to block a program like that from ordering from their site.
So... Poison Ivy’s gonna be in this, right?

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That would be nice. I don't know how this is going to work on her own. She's not intersting enough to warrant a film of her own. She's better as a supporting character (not in SS mind you :lol)
all i know is im anxious for super troopers 2! they just added rob lowe... always loved that guy as an actor! killed it in tommy boy!
So the Harley film was announced... ugh yeah...

Meh. I might get excited about it if they announce other female characters like Birds of Prey or something. I'm sure they'll have to throw something in for Letoker to make me throw up in my mouth.

all i know is im anxious for super troopers 2! they just added rob lowe... always loved that guy as an actor! killed it in tommy boy!

:lol I can't wait to see that movie.
$250 for this bobblehead with a few accessories and no Dawg.

I couldn't help myself and ordered the Cheetah PF today. I really like both heads and thought it was awesome when I saw it at SDCC. The only thing that bothers me is the way the tail attaches to her but I won't be displaying her from behind so I'll get over it.


It'd be nice if they figured out a better way to do the tail for the production piece though.
yeah assume its shipped separate and tough to figure a way to "stick it back there" without it not looking funny
My brain can't process that she doesn't have nipples showing. Technically she's just covered in fur and everything about the piece makes my mind think I should be seeing nipples but I'm not. It looks like they photoshopped them out. :mad:
