The Iceberg Lounge aka GeneralZodLives's Phantom Zone

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Yeah I read about the price gouging in Houston.

yeah they are already doin it at gas stations... gas was 2.09, now up to 2.79. pieces of ****!

Jesus. Batten down the collection and stay safe!

yeah no joke. hopefully things go ok, but never know with these things. especially one this big. it can be devastating if you get in the direct path!
yeah they are already doin it at gas stations... gas was 2.09, now up to 2.79. pieces of ****!

yeah no joke. hopefully things go ok, but never know with these things. especially one this big. it can be devastating if you get in the direct path!

Hopefully all is well in your neck of the woods. Put a bunch of balloons on your roof if you need to get out of the way.
I'm trying to figure out when I can take a day off soon. I'd like to do it this week, but it's way too crazy. Even next week looks like it will a mess.
Isn't that typical. Sideshow really needs a foot up the ass the way they've been doing things the last few years. We'll be paying $30 per shipment soon enough.

It's irritating that Sideshow has gotten less efficient and reliable in the last year. Now, you get charged for something and have no idea if it'll ship that day. For the Dr. Strange figure they offered early processing, charged everyone's cards, then didn't ship it until the date it was supposed to ship in the first place.
But isn't a Zombie Zod technically Doomsday, according to the DCEU? :monkey3

yup!! i seriously am hating any time i have to deal w/ sideshow... it's taking away from the enjoyment of the hobby! :mad: