Only 80$? That's a steal. Looks very classy.
Anybody else see these two? I’m debating it...
If there's anything I can count on, it's this country's short term memory filtering into general apathy when it comes to a crisis. Pretty soon one of the fifty pregnant Kardashians will have a miscarriage or there will be a new filter on Snapchat and everything will get back to normal.
I forgot those were going up today so I missed the exclusive set, but I picked up the regular ones.
The other print I want is this Des Taylor one
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Yeah, that one is very cool. In terms of the non-superhero ones, I ****ing adore the Gremlins print that Hero Complex has coming out by Kevin Wilson. It’s like “Where’s Waldo” with pop culture references:
I'm probably way late on this, but right now on eBay there's a promo code on buy it now items under collectibles, comics, art, entertainment for 20% off.
You enter PROMONYCC in the promo code section at checkout. Just snagged HT doctor strange for $188 shipped! So heads up to whoever hasn't seen it yet.
Man, the applause for Leto's Joker is deafening.
I forgot to open my Wonder Woman figure this weekend.![]()
holy shizballz....
do i HATE going out of town for work! wtf's been goin on around this place for the past week? miss anything exciting???
I saw on a FB group that someone already had peeling skin on theirs.