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These early pics of people setting up at NYCC are cracking me up. So many far away, blurry shots of something that you can barely tell what it is.
This 1/4 only rule I've made for myself is going to be really hard to stick too.

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It'll probably end up being a Previews exclusive like the Red Son Superman since it has so much more stuff. Hopefully they won't limit it to 400 or some stupid **** like they did with Classic Punisher.
Definitely. I passed on the first one because the clothes looked bad. No point in getting too excited about any Mezco figures though considering it'll take them a year or two to finally ship. :mad:
It'll probably be a Mezco exclusive limited to 350, releasing 2025.

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It still pisses me off that they limited the Punisher figure that everyone had been waiting for to only 400. ****ing stupid. I'm not paying after market prices for the damn thing. Those scalpers can go **** themselves.
Mezco Deluxe Exclusive? If that's what MDX means... well that's a quick way to kill my hype! Couldn't even get it in Canada then.

Edit: Mezco Direct Exclusive?

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I was going to go to Vegas this month, but I think I'll wait until next month to let things calm down a bit. With the short attention span this country has, barely anyone will be talking about the shooting in a month or so, and all I want to do when I go is gamble, eat some good food, have a cocktail, and not be ****ing bothered.
Any security at the hotels and casinos will be a huge pain in the ass considering how many people are there every day. I'm mainly just tired of hearing everyone spout off their "wisdom" on either side of the argument. Any talk of gun control/regulation is always a direct attack on the 2nd Amendment which in this country is tantamount to digging up the bodies of our forefathers, bringing them back to life, then allowing minorities and foreigners wearing a tattered American flag to repeatedly rape them over and over again in front of children. I'm just waiting for all the thoughts and prayers to fix everything so people can finally shut the **** up about it.
While I make it known I'm pro gun. In this case considering what was used, I fully agree about restrictions on said device.

The country will be back to talking about the Kardashians in a week or so.
If there's anything I can count on, it's this country's short term memory filtering into general apathy when it comes to a crisis. Pretty soon one of the fifty pregnant Kardashians will have a miscarriage or there will be a new filter on Snapchat and everything will get back to normal.