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Not sure you've ever read a comic book to be honest fella! :slap
What should Superman be then? It annoys me to read that, because everyone seems to have Christopher Reeve's face in their head when asked this!!!
Read the comics, Supes has been very serious for many, many years... and I didn't find him "mopey" at all!
As for the "Rage-Machine" Batman... not like he's never been that in comics before is it? Batman not seeing what's right in front of him or making poor decisions... yeah never done that before has he? You never read Knightfall or Hush? And Luthor has played Batman many times in the comics... that's what Luthor does!
The Martha scene too... I can't believe people don't understand that scene! It's not rocket science... in the movie, Superman knows Batman is Bruce Wayne, but at that point Batman doesn't know Superman is Clark Kent... with that in mind, Superman knows why Bruce became Batman, and knows the power that the name "Martha" would have on Bruce instead of saying Mom!

Deadshot - an assassin for hire that never misses... yeah they got that wrong didn't they...
Joker an unpredictable, homicidal psycopath... sounds like the Joker to me!

Aquaman - maybe he shouldn't be a dude-bro, but the MCU have made Thor that and the critics are all raving about that... and that to me is far, far worse!

We're going to have to agree to disagree.
Out of interest - have you actually read comics or are you a fan of the movies like MCU fans tend to be?

I've been reading comics for over 30 years and have over 30 long boxes in my collection. I'm not a fan of the DC films because the characters and plots are poorly done--and trust me, I desperately want to like them. I've been waiting my whole life to see these characters together on the big screen, but they've done nothing but disappoint me so far with this round of films. If you like them, then great for you. However, assuming that someone that doesn't like them hasn't read the comics or isn't smart enough to get what DC is doing makes you come off as an *******. Every fan has a idea in their head of what they want to see in these films. Some are going to get what they want and others won't. Right now, I'm not getting what I want. Maybe I will when WB reboots them in a few years.
I've been reading comics for over 30 years and have over 30 long boxes in my collection. I'm not a fan of the DC films because the characters and plots are poorly done--and trust me, I desperately want to like them. I've been waiting my whole life to see these characters together on the big screen, but they've done nothing but disappoint me so far with this round of films. If you like them, then great for you. However, assuming that someone that doesn't like them hasn't read the comics or isn't smart enough to get what DC is doing makes you come off as an *******. Every fan has a idea in their head of what they want to see in these films. Some are going to get what they want and others won't. Right now, I'm not getting what I want. Maybe I will when WB reboots them in a few years.

Nothing to do with being smart, or trying to be an ****... What I was assuming is that you may not have read many comics to not recognise that the characters are not very far off their comic book roots... I'm sorry you don't like what the DCEU is, but personally I believe they're superb so far – MoS is my favourite CBM of all time... I guess I just like my superhero movies to be more adult and complex... I don't agree the plots are poorly done (though the editing of the BvS theatre cut was poor), I just think audiences these days in general don't have the attention span to take in more complex films... the box office failure of the Blade Runner sequel is a fine example of that... a sad by product of the "social media" generation!
You answered your own question.

Truth. Justice. And the American Way. Reeve > All.

Not some manic depressive neck breaker douche.

And there in a nutshell is the problem... superman is 79 years old... you idea of Superman is one that existed decades ago... it's like saying every Batman interpretation should be like Adam West!!!

Incidentally then, what should Superman have done with Zod?
Then make it a double feature with "Thor's Rag-on-rock"!

Honestly , Thor seem like a bridge film to make the inclusion of GOTG more appropriate to Infinity Wars....

They even added humor in spades to make the off humor in GOTG seem like it fits with Avengers.

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You know he actually does don't you?
Haha well you don't seem to know as much about comics as you say. Between this and saying Leto is the best on screen Joker we have had....

Look, I'm all for people liking what the want to like. We all have our own unique opinions. Just don't force them on everybody else. This is coming from someone who does enjoy most of the DCEU btw.

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