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Daily 1980s Nostalgia:

I need to give Mask of the Phantasm a watch. I haven't seen it since it originally aired on TV.

I think this is probably the best scene in anything Batman related.
I've never been a comic reader - what would everyone recommend as a good Batman read?

A late reply, but the entire Denny O'Neil/Neal Adams Batman run, especially the 'Head of the Demon' stuff, then Year One and Dark Knight Returns.

People say DKR is overrated, but honestly I could write a book on how masterful that comic is at telling a story through sequential images. It's one of the few American comics I hold in the same esteem as the likes of Akira, The Incal, The Metabarons, etc.

Also the Batman/Judge Dredd crossovers are all equally worth reading. Vendetta in Gotham is criminally underrated.

Killing Joke and Year One. I actually owned most of that list including Halloween, but never got around with reading them and sold them :slap

I went though a phase of buying up Batman and Wolverine comics and ended up selling all of them. But I've slowly bought back some Wolverine comics, and next year after these customs I got lined up are done, that will free up cash to buy some Batman as well.

Go read DKR, right now.
On the subject of Batman, I'm pretty sure this'll end up being better than WB's last three serious live-action attempts to launch a DC film franchise...

A late reply, but the entire Denny O'Neil/Neal Adams Batman run, especially the 'Head of the Demon' stuff, then Year One and Dark Knight Returns.

People say DKR is overrated, but honestly I could write a book on how masterful that comic is at telling a story through sequential images. It's one of the few American comics I hold in the same esteem as the likes of Akira, The Incal, The Metabarons, etc.

Also the Batman/Judge Dredd crossovers are all equally worth reading. Vendetta in Gotham is criminally underrated.

Go read DKR, right now.

Cheers dude! DKR as a starting point?