The Indy Premium Format Figure Countdown/Discussion Thread

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well i came back to work and was able to order no problem.

if the site was SO busy why is it still available...seems like they would have sold out quickly. oh well, no worries.

NEVERMIND, it was the regular version....i'll cancel that bad boy and order from an e-tailer.
Hey olvidadero, what is the item number for your PF Indy? Mine says "7192Flex" Sideshow Exclusive. But that is totally wrong because don't the exclusives have 5 numbers in them??? I am totally confused!!!:monkey2

From the confirmation email:

Qty: 1 Item: 7192FLEX Price: $279.99
Indiana Jones Premium Format Figures FLEXPAY - Indiana Jones Premium Format Figure - Sideshow Exclusive

Mine has five numbers as well. I don't think that matters... or does it? I got my confirmation e-mail, with my beautiful T-number... they can't take that away from me! :google
It does matter--the exclusive item number is 71921. It you don't have the extra "1" at the end, your order for item number 7192 is for the regular version.

Same with 71921FLEX vs. 7192FLEX.
Thanks! I'm actually pretty excited about this :joy. I just hope there are enough pieces for the waitlisters, for the ones that REALLY want this amazing statue.

Yeah, I hear that. Wor-Gar needs one and so do a lot of other Freaks who've been waiting forever for this Indy! Hopefully the wait list will come through for them.
Oh, for sure. The world may indeed end as we know it. :lol

I'm sure Vader PPO day will fall on the exact date the Mayan calendar ends. The sky will turn Black and the sea will run red with blood. And most importantly, the server will fry like bacon. :lecture

Don't forget that the poles will reverse too - so California'll probably be underwater anyway.
It does matter--the exclusive item number is 71921. It you don't have the extra "1" at the end, your order for item number 7192 is for the regular version.

Same with 71921FLEX vs. 7192FLEX.

That's what I thought. Oh well, I guess I got the regular version just as they were changing the page.
I got excl. also. on flexpay. 10.52. On regular page.

Completely confused, thought it was sold out. Email invoice confirms excl. though.

Hope this isn't a major mess up!

It goes by item number - is your item number 7192FLEX or 71921FLEX - 7192 is regular, 71921 is exclusive.
Okay, I started to get a little freaked out about which version I order, so I checked the email again and it's like this...

Qty: 1 Item: 71921FLEX Price: $279.99
Indiana Jones Premium Format Figures FLEXPAY - Indiana Jones Premium Format Figure - Sideshow Exclusive

... so I hope that means I'm still good.
It goes by item number - is your item number 7192FLEX or 71921FLEX - 7192 is regular, 71921 is exclusive.

Yes, nightmare officially back. So, I didn't get it... :monkey2

Wait, does that mean I have to pay cancellation fee for an item i didn't order?
I haven't gotten an email yet... so I'm not 100% sure I got an exclusive either. I hope I did! I ordered mine a good bit before it sold out. We will see... I'll have to check later.

If you ordered by phone, the orders have to be manually entered and e-mailed - so give it a few hours :duff
And I have 2 Exclusives :monkey2 :lol

Don't worry, as soon as the site is back up I'll cancel one of them... seems a online order went through even though I never saw a confirmation page.