The Indy Premium Format Figure Countdown/Discussion Thread

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I checked mine when I got home last night. No flaking...yet, but the cuffs are stiff just like everyone else has been reporting. Indy stays in his display case untouched, so hopefully by not messing with it, it'll last longer.
Any word from Sideshow?

Preliminary word but not a resolution. Still talking to them about it and trying to make a fair case for some sort of resolution.

Mine seems to be more or less okay, but the cuffs do seem a bit stiff and there's one tiny spot where it's possible that the jacket material has rubbed off on the hand. It's hard to tell.

Unfortunately, Sideshow doesn't have a very good track record with dealing with stuff like this so long after the sale, do they? I have trouble believing that they'll actually do anything to help.

Mine just has a tiny spot on the exterior of the sleeve and under the sleave there is some of the interior of the jacket stuck to the hand, but be careful inspecting your if you move the jacket sleave as that is when my flake came off. Well, SSC's has a chance to head something off before they make a bunch of customer mad. I hardly think myself and others are unique. Either there are more out there and people have them sealed away and never have examined them that close or others are likely to notice over time. It could be as simple as the SSC's warehouse. Who knows the temperatures it gets to in there and how they are all cared for. I have faith they will want to mitigate bad word of mouth and retain customers. So we'll see. I'm a much better friend than enemy and being in the legal field, I unfortunately see the best and worst in people and companies. I am holding out hope for SSC's.

I checked mine when I got home last night. No flaking...yet, but the cuffs are stiff just like everyone else has been reporting. Indy stays in his display case untouched, so hopefully by not messing with it, it'll last longer.

Yeah, don't touch it. Which makes it bad for when they need to be dusted.

Here's how it starts. This is my replacement from Sideshow and rest assured, they did their best to take care of me. Unfortunately, this figure suffers the same fate. It starts with a part of the inside of the cuff stuck to the painted hand and then the cuff breaks down and rots. The other sleeve has the crispy cuff but no paint to adhere to so it's not as bad off (just don't touch it).


Here's how it starts. This is my replacement from Sideshow and rest assured, they did their best to take care of me. Unfortunately, this figure suffers the same fate. It starts with a part of the inside of the cuff stuck to the painted hand and then the cuff breaks down and rots. The other sleeve has the crispy cuff but no paint to adhere to so it's not as bad off (just don't touch it).


That is freakishly similar to my current issue. The other pic of yours--was that with you not touching it or did it further detiorate after you applied leather conditioner? Even so, these things shouldn't make it to this point above EVER at 300 bucks. What year did you get it? Does anyone know when SSC's completely sold out of the REG and EX versions of this Indy?
yikes, I have to check mine when I get home, that will really suck, I have my air on between 73 and 76, it has been humid, but we have REALLY good insullation, hopefully won't be an issue, this is why I prefer all sculpted pieces, as much as pf's look nice.
The first picture posted (two or three pages ago) is after I touched it. I went to apply leather conditioner to it and after handling it with my fingers it deteriorated. Keep in mind, the photo showing the most damage is my first one (which SS graciously replaced). The photo above is the replacement they sent me which shows signs of bad things to come.
How humid is your house and really, is humidity an issue? A dry house with little humidity is what typically causes all kinds of cracking issues, whether drywall, other wood, etc. My house is 77-78 in the summer and mid-60's in the winter. Not extremes in my book and we have far more delicate stuff in the house than PF's...
What I THINK happened is the glue they used to tack down the inside cuffs has hardened and dried out. Anyone who's ever seen old movie posters or vintage toy boxes has seen old, yellowed tape or adhesive ruining an otherwise nice collectible. Adhesives do dry out eventually.

I saved the first jacket from my (now destroyed) Indy. I just went to work on it with my fingers. Notice how the damaged spots only go to where the cuffs were folded under and glued? I think the glue dried out and caused the pleather to be brittle. I'm fairly positive that's the problem. What the solution is I'm not so sure.

Sounds about right to me. Something Sideshow never anticipated I bet, and something you don't think about when buying these pieces. These will probably all deteriorate at some point around the cuffs. :monkey2

What I THINK happened is the glue they used to tack down the inside cuffs has hardened and dried out. Anyone who's ever seen old movie posters or vintage toy boxes has seen old, yellowed tape or adhesive ruining an otherwise nice collectible. Adhesives do dry out eventually.

I saved the first jacket from my (now destroyed) Indy. I just went to work on it with my fingers. Notice how the damaged spots only go to where the cuffs were folded under and glued? I think the glue dried out and caused the pleather to be brittle. I'm fairly positive that's the problem. What the solution is I'm not so sure.

What I THINK happened is the glue they used to tack down the inside cuffs has hardened and dried out. Anyone who's ever seen old movie posters or vintage toy boxes has seen old, yellowed tape or adhesive ruining an otherwise nice collectible. Adhesives do dry out eventually.

I saved the first jacket from my (now destroyed) Indy. I just went to work on it with my fingers. Notice how the damaged spots only go to where the cuffs were folded under and glued? I think the glue dried out and caused the pleather to be brittle. I'm fairly positive that's the problem. What the solution is I'm not so sure.


I had a tiny chip come off above the cuff... But this logic makes sense.
Is it possible to pull the cuffs down and clean out the dried glue without ruining the jacket?

I barely touched it...just enough to raise the sleeve so I could see the top of the hand and see what was wrong with it...and a chip came off. I seriously doubt it. Why didn't they sew the cuff together?
I barely touched it...just enough to raise the sleeve so I could see the top of the hand and see what was wrong with it...and a chip came off. I seriously doubt it. Why didn't they sew the cuff together?

Hmm, I am wondering if someones who isn't as bad yet could give it a whirl. I might try it depending on how stiff it is.
Hmm, I am wondering if someones who isn't as bad yet could give it a whirl. I might try it depending on how stiff it is.

irony is mine isn't stiff. (hope the mods don't remove that. lol) Sorry, have to laugh a little as this has really made me worried. The texture of the pleather is the same throughout on mine.
Is it possible to pull the cuffs down and clean out the dried glue without ruining the jacket?

The first picture I posted was when I went to add conditioner to it. The more I touched it, the worse it got. I wouldn't recommend it.

The damaged cuff can be folded under (like you'd do if your sleeves were too long). It looks a little wonky but better than the alternative. I wonder how they handled the PF Crystal Skull jacket?
Was the jacket hard to remove? What I'm thinking is that you could cut off the bad cuffs, track a similar material down and sew it onto the coat to make new cuffs...
Was the jacket hard to remove? What I'm thinking is that you could cut off the bad cuffs, track a similar material down and sew it onto the coat to make new cuffs...

Good idea...for the talented ones. :) I'm not that talented and also, the jacket is an odd color. It's not 100% brown, hence a lot of comments in this thread years ago about a "greenish" hue to it.
Was the jacket hard to remove? What I'm thinking is that you could cut off the bad cuffs, track a similar material down and sew it onto the coat to make new cuffs...

Yes, but then Indy's jacket would have cuffs. ;)

I'm thinking about having a whole new jacket made though where and how I have no idea.