Looks great! What paints did you use?
Looks more like Richard Gere than Harrison Ford.
Hi guys/gals does any one have the exact measurement for the height of the Premium Format Indy?
I'm hoping Sideshows stats are slightly out at 22" because the space I had planned to put it is exactly 21 and a half inch! Dohhh
Here you go
Hey, Im new to the Sideshow Premium Format figures, and would like to get this since Indiana Jones is one of my favorite movie characters of all time...looking on eBay, it looks like I might be out of luck getting this close to retail.
I would think you could grab the regular for pretty close to retail. Ex is not needed for this one.
Yeah Im not really interested in the Ex for this. But it looks like theres pretty slim pickin's on eBay right now.
That sucks. I assume you have checked the for sale section?
Yeah, checking there now. PMd a few people. *crosses fingers*