Re: The Dark Knight Joker
Some great photos by THX217
Some great photos by THX217
Although this statue looks horrid rightnow i think there's a lot of opportunity for SS to make this better if they will just hear and consider our inputs on what needs to be changed.
C'mon now Mike, it's not that badyeah, looks like something DCD made in 2008-2009 era. D
LOLPose looks like he's ****ting his pants.
I love it .. that being said maybe there's a better way to approach SSC about changes...constructive dialog and input.. not name calling and bashing..what about a thread here with constructive crits to help shape upcoming releases. SSC does not need to respond only read and make professional choices based off of the collectors and fans comments.. Asmus Toys does that with great effect. I really enjoy this statue but the flames could go.. and I'm sure there will be an EX feature...I think the matching base to The Dark Knight PF is great.. What do others think about a thread based on suggestion that SSC can read and maybe help shape their products.
C'mon now Mike, it's not that bad
Wow, people hate it. Who'd expect that on THIS forum?