Re: The Last of Us - PS3 & PS4 (Remastered)
Here's what you said.
You basically made it your point in the "V" thread to mention about how SJWs influenced TLOU and ruined the story, and now you're trying to retract it
. My argument was, you can't draw the conclusion that TLOU had a SJW agenda by taking the story for what it is. Even the ending was essentially left up for interpretation so the fans could draw their own conclusions from it, regardless of Druckmann's personal views. That said, I find nothing that's inherently wrong with his interpretation, either. But, let me ask you something, before you saw Neil Druckmann's interview, and played the game for yourself, were you ever under the impression that TLOU was pandering to the SJW crowd? Or did you only come to that conclusion after hearing his interviews?
Just so you know, SJWs do happen to be the worst types of feminists. They're essentially the Internet trolls who make it their mission to degrade men, and accuse innocent men of rape in order to get back at them. However, from the way I see it, Neil Druckmann took many of the positive aspects about feminism when he created Ellie. I think the game turned out much better because of it, because Naughty Dog was passionate about creating a very original character. That's the kind of dedication that you don't normally see from other developers.
And to be honest, this was the time that I heard about Druckmann's ties to certain feminists. That's why I decided to post the discussion in this thread because I was interested in hearing what others had to say about it, and its influence to the story. No one was looking to burn you at the steak, I'm just questioning the general logic behind your argument.
I know that I watched the vid, but listening to Druckmann explain it it's obvious there's more to that ending. He saids what it is, and even Gaspar said it was a bunch of crap. The 3rd part is literally titled a feminist ending![]()
I never said he was trying to pander to the worst kind of feminism, don't know where you got that from.
If you and the minions are saying what Gaspar was saying about Druckmann using SJW for PR then that's one thing, but if you're trying to say that after the videos and interviews I posted, that Druckmann never claimed to interject any feminism into the gam then yea, denial
In fact, there's really no need to debate, this isn't something I made up, it came straight from Druckmann, you either believe him or not but that's on him not me. He claims to have been inspired by feminist books, he said he had a agenda to create a female character, one his daughter could look up to and not overly sexualize, he brought the whole Ellie being independent and dropping Joel (man) to find her own way, he admits to being inspired by Anita Sarkeesian's Vids etc...
Anyway I think if you love this game, but hate feminism (not speaking you directly here), then that's why I can clearly see someone trying to convince themselves that Pturtle made all this up
The game is great, one of the best games of all time, but according to Druckmann he had an agenda with this game, and so what if he did? didn't hurt the quality one bit.
That's all Folks, no need to go in circles here, you either think Druckmann is lying or you don't, I don't see why he would but, Gaspar does, that's really it.
People should be debating whether Druckmann is being honest or not. Not whether I pulled this out my ass or not
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Here's what you said.
You should actually watch it, its worse than even I described
Kojima Productions, Sony Santa Monica, and Rockstar are probably the only devs that make what they want and don’t worry about pandering to the SJW crowd.
Thats why I find Ellie to be one of the worst characters in gaming, she’s literally an Anita Sarkeesian wet dream![]()
You basically made it your point in the "V" thread to mention about how SJWs influenced TLOU and ruined the story, and now you're trying to retract it

Just so you know, SJWs do happen to be the worst types of feminists. They're essentially the Internet trolls who make it their mission to degrade men, and accuse innocent men of rape in order to get back at them. However, from the way I see it, Neil Druckmann took many of the positive aspects about feminism when he created Ellie. I think the game turned out much better because of it, because Naughty Dog was passionate about creating a very original character. That's the kind of dedication that you don't normally see from other developers.
And to be honest, this was the time that I heard about Druckmann's ties to certain feminists. That's why I decided to post the discussion in this thread because I was interested in hearing what others had to say about it, and its influence to the story. No one was looking to burn you at the steak, I'm just questioning the general logic behind your argument.
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