Just pre-ordered this. I must be the only person on planet earth who has not played this yet so I don't know what to expect but I'm looking foward to picking it up on Tuesday and firing it up on the PS4.
Me too.I looking forward to playing this Tuesday night. Somehow I stayed away from spoilers so I'm coming in fresh for this one. It's about time my PS4 is used for something other than streaming services.
Snape kills dumbledore!
Now don't get me wrong- I LOVE the game. I just feel that there's little to it's own mythology that we haven't seen before elsewhere. What sets TLOU apart from other games, movies and books with post-apocalyptic settings is the way the characters predicament resonates with the person using the controller with a sense of depth and urgency and as you expect, that only happens in games.
A TLOU movie is a mere cash in, just like the upcoming Uncharted movie. Still though, if both of these movies are happening, I pray that I'm wrong. Uncharted and TLOU are some of my favorite games ever.
Didnt they do the same thing with RE? A movie was announced after the first game?
No, the first game came out in 1996, whilst the film came out in 2002. The movie wasn't conceptualized until George A. Romero pitched it in 1999 but that obviously didn't worked out. By the time the movie was out, there were already 4 main Resident Evil games.
In fact now that you've mentioned it, now I just realized that TLOU is one of those rare examples where the studio is quick to capitalize on the game's success. Most game to movie adaptations had to do market research in order to assess the financial possibilities of expanding an established franchise.
those who will replay the game on PS4, don't expect a Big Graphical Leap .. it is still amazing but not mind blowing "compared to the PS3 ver".. it is clearer though
Traded the PS3 version in at Gamestop today and got my $25 credit towards PS4 version.
Been excited about this impending release, but....
Picked it up last Summer off the PSN because copies were impossible to find here in town for the first three weeks, which means the Gamestop offer is useless to me.
Additionally, since Sony's basically said "F-U" over the idea of offering a deal for those of us double-dipping on the title, I've decided to say "F-U" right back to them by waiting until this becomes a discount title.
It's a hell of a game, but not "full price twice" good.
Grounded? yeah it's there from the start