The League of Extraordinary Gentle...Women?

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Oh my......I'm just going to laugh at all of this. :lol

Yeah, the original Ghostbusters were a group of hotties. It would've been even hotter if Belushi would've lived to play his role.

I have to laugh again. :lol

I said good OR hot actors

Good OR hot....


OBVIOUSLY the first group of guys fall on the GOOD.....GOOD category.... Duhhh

The saddest thing is that the female GB are neither good OR hot...
Get it?

They could have hired Kathy bates for the new Ghostbusters and I would have been happy, she's as good as it gets.

Magic mike
50 shades of grey

Even Thor and cap America
All hot men in the leads, completely ok with everyone.

But yeah men are the pigs.. Laugh about that lol :lol
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This thread is so dumb..... Deckard's initial post its stupid for reasons Star Puffs points out but then her post is stupid for reasons batfan points out and then it devolves into let's make Bond a bisexual woman or transgender? Dafaq????
to society (and feminism) this is okay, this is what they want to see:

this, this is sexist, this is misogynistic and this is wrong, (And should stop right away)

It is okay to show men's bodies, female audiences want that. But we should never show female bodies, that's sexist. attractive men bring in more ticket sales from the female audiences. But when they cast attractive women, this shows that society, Hollywood (and men) just hate women.
the more you know :lecture
to society (and feminism) this is okay, this is what they want to see:

this, this is sexist, this is misogynistic and this is wrong, (And should stop right away)

It is okay to show men's bodies, female audiences want that. But we should never show female bodies, that's sexist. attractive men bring in more ticket sales from the female audiences. But when they cast attractive women, this shows that society, Hollywood (and men) just hate women.
the more you know :lecture

They want equal rights and all that other happy horse ****, but can't be objectified the same way.

I could couldn't care less about the film honestly, it just annoys me that everything is getting taken over by black washing white characters and gender swapping.
They want equal rights and all that other happy horse ****, but can't be objectified the same way.

I could couldn't care less about the film honestly, it just annoys me that everything is getting taken over by black washing white characters and gender swapping.

What he said.
I definitely think that in the centuries ahead people will look back at the dozen or so total race/gender swaps that we've recently seen in comic book/ghostbuster movies as a very dark time in human history.
Yes equal rights is total horse ****. :cuckoo:

it is not the equal rights part that brings the problems. it is the lack of equal responsibility.
Everyone complains about the top Male CEOs and how that is unfair but everyone loves to forget how all the bottom jobs are men too (Truck drivers, coal miners, construction workers) I never see feminists asking for any of these jobs lol .

just like 65% of college graduates are female, less men are going to college now (some college programs are up to 80-90% female) . But when would you ever hear anyone hear anything about this... this to me sounds More than equality. this is women winning, which is good, but I have never heard a single person brings this up Ever..
(Boys are being taught to hate themselves now for being male... but who cares lol. )

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Who cares. If you're a guy you've still got it pretty good.

well, not all guys. not minorities for example, not poor men, It's like, who has it better? a homeless guy? a wounded war veteran, a black man, a fat bald man, Or a middle class young White Woman? who has more privilege? what about gay men? trans women? who ends up having more power, more protection and more privilege?

If anything we do have a problem about class Now, the lower class gets stepped on, the upper class will have more power, Regardless of gender. a poor man will never have the kind of privilege a wealthy woman will have. That's just not realistic.

thats why i love this experiment on Privilege so much, the white straight girls ended up almost at the front of the privilege line


lol :ted
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I said good OR hot actors

Good OR hot....


OBVIOUSLY the first group of guys fall on the GOOD.....GOOD category.... Duhhh

The saddest thing is that the female GB are neither good OR hot...
Get it?

They could have hired Kathy bates for the new Ghostbusters and I would have been happy, she's as good as it gets.

Magic mike
50 shades of grey

Even Thor and cap America
All hot men in the leads, completely ok with everyone.

But yeah men are the pigs.. Laugh about that lol :lol

When did I say men are pigs?

And Ghostbusters is a comedy.

Wow....just forget it. :lol
If you're a guy (white, black, fat, stupid, disabled, etc.) who's biggest problems are deciding which action figures to flex pay at any given time or whether or not your favorite superhero is white or female in any given movie then I'd say you've got it pretty good. ;)