The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thread

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Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

Can I change my vote from Kersh to Mr. X?
Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

Cool, thanks.

I was just thinking too...if we did an Adam Baldwin head, I'm sure Angel/Joss Whedon fans might want one too.
Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

Cool, thanks.

I was just thinking too...if we did an Adam Baldwin head, I'm sure Angel/Joss Whedon fans might want one too.

Wow, I actually had to google "Adam Baldwin, X-files"... I watched every single episode until season 8 so I didn't get to know Doggett too well, I'm going to have to watch all of season 8 and 9 at some point so I can get to know this character... feel like I'm missing out now...

I missed alot of those two seasons but the "William" episode in season 9 was one of my all time favorites.

On the other hand, I'll never forgive them for the "Jump the Shark" episode :banghead:banghead
Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

On the other hand, I'll never forgive them for the "Jump the Shark" episode :banghead:banghead

Can you believe that? They were actually joking about it with the shark tissue experiments storyline. I'll never forgive them either. I'm sure they thought they were saying that the Lone Gunmen had jumped the shark, but the decision to kill them off, shows that Carter had, IMHO.

In the later years of a series, a lot of shows go dark in an effort to keep ratings up. They kill characters that aren't tragic enough, or have too much humor.

It's mean to the fans. I couldn't watch the X-Files after that. I'm not going to list all the shows that have done this, there are too many. You can always count on the producers to whine about declining ratings afterward too.

Stab fans in the back = declining ratings.

...not that I'm bitter or anything :p
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Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

Can you believe that? They were actually joking about it with the shark tissue experiments storyline. I'll never forgive them either. I'm sure they thought they were saying that the Lone Gunmen had jumped the shark, but the decision to kill them off, shows that Carter had, IMHO.

In the later years of a series, a lot of shows go dark in an effort to keep ratings up. They kill characters that aren't tragic enough, or have too much humor.

It's mean to the fans. I couldn't watch the X-Files after that. I'm not going to list all the shows that have done this, there are too many. You can always count on the producers to whine about declining ratings afterward too.

Stab fans in the back = declining ratings.

...not that I'm bitter or anything :p

Are you kidding me? When a show goes there is when the show takes guts and is awesome. When they randomly kill off a main character in the middle of the show or season I think that is great because it takes balls and makes the story interesting. If a show has the same damn characters over and over again that always fall in danger but none of them die, the show is lame.
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Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

Hey guys! Sorry I have not been around for awhile (personal issues)...I didn't run off and am still committed to buying these heads, ebayarea! I'll have send Mr. Howe the money in a few weeks...unless something happens to me :gun :wacky

I also agree with Something Sexy... infact they should have killed off Mulder in season 4! JOKING! :rotfl
Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

Hey guys! Sorry I have not been around for awhile (personal issues)...I didn't run off and am still committed to buying these heads, ebayarea! I'll have send Mr. Howe the money in a few weeks...unless something happens to me :gun :wacky

I also agree with Something Sexy... infact they should have killed off Mulder in season 4! JOKING! :rotfl

:rotfl yeah, who needs mulder...

Something Sexy does have a great point, but I agree with Jendini that the writers/producers did it for the wrong reasons. It did feel like they were sticking it to the fans who had accused the writers of jumping the shark in those last seasons. And yeah, to me as a huge Gunmen fan, I felt it was mean spirited. Guess I'm still bitter about it after all these years :(

Would have been awesome if the Lone Gunmen were in "IWTB", would have made perfect story sense if Mulder was hiding out with the Gunmen while still working on his life's work.

At least they didn't off Skinner :chew
Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

Can you believe that? They were actually joking about it with the shark tissue experiments storyline. I'll never forgive them either. I'm sure they thought they were saying that the Lone Gunmen had jumped the shark, but the decision to kill them off, shows that Carter had, IMHO.

In the later years of a series, a lot of shows go dark in an effort to keep ratings up. They kill characters that aren't tragic enough, or have too much humor.

It's mean to the fans. I couldn't watch the X-Files after that. I'm not going to list all the shows that have done this, there are too many. You can always count on the producers to whine about declining ratings afterward too.

Stab fans in the back = declining ratings.

...not that I'm bitter or anything :p

I don't think they killed them to spite the fans. It wouldn't be about boosting ratings either, since at the time they died, it was within the last 5 episodes of the they knew at that point the series was ending. They wrote out A LOT of characters at the end of Season 7, then Season 8, so it would be obvious that more would die in Season 9. I think the way they died made sense too, and it was better than the typical..."BANG! You're dead" deaths.

The one death that pissed me off was Krycek. :duh It was stupid. I can kind of see their reasoning though...his character was pretty much becoming stale at that point. But thats also their fault for not giving him enough depth. It also seems to me since Duchovny would be leaving, they wanted to close the chapter with Mulder and things related to him (killing CSM, killing Krycek) and just go with the Doggett and William-centered stories and characters.
Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

I also agree with Something Sexy... infact they should have killed off Mulder in season 4! JOKING! :rotfl

I think it would take BALLS to kill off your star without them leaving them show. Just writing them off. I've never seen that done before. They always write people off who's contracts are renewed, but they never the other way around.
Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

I have seen that and I just don't know what to think at this point. I haven't asked for a refund yet because I still have hope that Chris will come through and deliver. I don't know though - the total lack of communication is pretty alarming.
Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

Just sent Chris another email this morning and no response. He hasn't responded to numerous emails and PM's (and thread posts) since January asking for simple updates (payment chart primarily).

I'm keeping hope that Chris will come through. Not a knock on anyone, but I must say I thought this lack of communication seemed pretty typical when it came to customizing in my experience.

I paid for a couple repaints in October of this year, the customizer was super fast with responses when he took my money but started ignoring me (pm's, thread posts) the second I sent him money and still no results, yet so many people say he's ok (this happened with another customizer who also did some of things that people are complaining about with Chris). I'm hoping he's just busy like some of the respected customizers on the board.

Thus, I thought this was standard operating procedure since artists need time to work, but hopefully he posts just to let us know he's going to come through.

Chris if you are reading this please give us an update, it would really calm alot of anxieties.

I'll keep contacting him through email, but it seems like collector49 has gotten through to him, I may ask for his help at some point.
Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

I have pretty much lost all faith at this point in Chris and I have attempted requesting a refund but nothing from him thus far.
Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

Looks like he will not come back in this forums.

I sent him $100 around 6 months ago..... :(
Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

I sent him $80 and I have request a refund for a while now with no answer. Whatever.
Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

Hey guys,

got a response from Chris the other day, he didn't address the refund issue (though I did ask about it) so I would keep trying to contact him (he responded to the subject line: "hello").

He wrote the following:

"Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I've been dealing with the issue of harassment and stalking by Dale Van Slyke, AKA Captdan, AKA diver4. . Van Slyke is the recaster who started the whole nasty business on SSF. I'll be posting my one final post on SSF shortly, an open letter (under advise from legal counsel) to Van Slyke demanding he cease and desist harassing and stalking me, my clients and family. Yes, even my family. He's written nasty letters to my wife and elderly father, and to companies I work for attempting to damage me. When I post the letter it will be eye opening for some folks.

Are you familiar with Van Slyke? Also known as diver4 on eBay and his website. He has at least 100 stolen heads he recasts and sells. The irony of the whole situation is that he is the one committing a number of criminal acts and he's been trying to convince the community that I'm the crook. This guy is obsessed with me ever since I respectfully asked that he stop recasting 2 heads of mine and not recast any new pieces. It's a crazy old world out there, my friend. I'm frightened he's going to show up at my door with a weapon in hand!

Once I finally have him stopped I can get back to concentrating my efforts on my work. He's created an hostile environment that isn't exactly conducive to the kind of single minded concentration my work takes.

I'll have an update on the Lone Gunmen shortly, hopefully within about a week. Please let folks know it is coming. Would you mind posting update photos for me since I won't be returning to the forums personally due to the abuse? I would appreciate your help

Take Care,

I'm going to follow up with him about the update, hopefully he'll come through. All I can really say is that most of the respected customizers have similar practices to him - usually take 9-18 months for repaints without any individual updates (I've asked for refunds from other customizers and they've just ignored me, yet they haven't had the same firestorm as Chris - not trying to defend him just an observation). Not that I agree with these practices. Yet, I think more updates from Chris would have eased alot of the problems, hopefully we'll get some in the coming weeks.

I'll keep following up with him, but not really sure what to do with the refund issue (perhaps stay tuned to the main thread).
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Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

All I can really say is that most of the respected customizers have similar practices to him - usually take 9-18 months for repaints without any individual updates (I've asked for refunds from other customizers and they've just ignored me, yet they haven't had the same firestorm as Chris). Not that I agree with these practices.
Amen. Glad to see somebody else posting that.

I'll keep following up with him, but not really sure what to do with the refund issue (perhaps stay tuned to the main thread).
I'd like to think that since he bothered to come here a couple of days ago to post, that he has intentions of delivering his commitments - albeit very late. He did give his reasons - whether it's acceptable to everyone or not. And as I've said, other artists here have also been delayed many times and they never got even half the flak dished out to Chris. I honestly don't understand the double standard.
Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

Well I'll wait and see, I don't want to get hot tempered too soon.

Seeing the atmosphere here lately I understand he doesn't come back here.
But this Van Slyke story is very scary.....:confused:
Re: The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set by C.Howes Interest Thre

Well I'll wait and see, I don't want to get hot tempered too soon.

Seeing the atmosphere here lately I understand he doesn't come back here.
But this Van Slyke story is very scary.....:confused:

I have been going through a lot of these Howes threads in the past few days (I was thinking of buying from him on ebay and googled him which brought me to this forum) and to be honest this recaster/stalker story appears to be just that another story.

I am not defending anyone and have not had any dealing with either of them and from what I have read never will.

Sorry if I am intruding where I should not, just seems to me to be another crazy story/excuse by Howes.

I will shut up and go back to lurking now.