One of my dream collectibles would be a 1/6 diorama of Sam with Sting fighting Shelob. The sear size and magnificence of this piece gives me chills!
As Sideshow now won't be doing one, as Weta have the LOTR line back i'm hoping one day to have a statue like that... probably won't be until The Hobbit is done though.
I don't know, I am not convinced that SS is done with Middle earth. A fellow collector in Greece contacted them through facebook and they told him that there will be Middle Earth stuff at Spooktacular. I guess we wait and see...
Probably an Azog PF.
Sideshow have stopped doing LOTR dioramas now.
The five main LotR PFs I'm waiting for (in order) are
1. Gimli
2. Arwen
3. Boromir
4. Sam
5. Merry & Pippen on Treebeard base
Bonus: GtW on Shadowfax
I can get busts for every other character except Denathor.
I would think if they had no plans, he would say so. Wouldn't he?
SSalex is a female and no, they never say
My apologies.
Saurman would be cool.