I think we need another thread for "I wish". I keep coming to this thread hoping for news and all I see are wish lists.
Masterside said:More products on the lord of the rings are coming in preorder?
Thank you.
SSAlex said:Yes!
You poor, sweet, naive thing
lol.. I'll quote this and make you eat those words when they announce their next middle earth release.
I'd put money that the release...if any at all...is a Smaug statue if some sort...couldn't release info until desolation hits theaters.
I'd put money that the release...if any at all...is a Smaug statue if some sort...couldn't release info until desolation hits theaters.
Only three more newsletters to go for SS to give us long-promised news about these lines... If we can actually believe what they say.
Well, I'm all for a Boromir statue, but my personal preference is a statue of Boromir's last stand.
I want a PF, and I don't think that would be a fitting one.
I know we've talked about this before, but I wouldn't want a statue of Boromir full of arrows.