The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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I knew I kept those Hasbro pit droids for a reason. :lol

Shades of Silent Running.

Holy cow, I think the wheels have fallen off the cart; that was like a fan film :(

We knew what planet is was as it was announced to him as he was approaching, so why the 3 copy-paste fan service shots? Why not expand on it?

The acting was so bad from the noob bounty hunter.

The (T*****) costumes looked like a first-time costume department - they were cheap looking and so clean it was ridiculous - and the "exchange" was laughable and completely took away any fear we've had for them in the past. Since when did they become traders or scavengers?

The lensing was so bad in parts, the DP should be shot (color grade and lighting weren't great either - just look at how good Ep1 & 3 were; Greig Fraser - amazing). EDIT* just looked up the "DP" he's a camera operator - there's a world of difference between a DP and camera operator; why did they give him the job - maybe because he's worked with Greig before?

And the whole thing feels like filler now without really pushing the story forward in any meaningful way. Why waste time introducing the Giancarlo Esposito character if "the asset" is so important to these Imperial loyalists? Doesn't make any sense. The tension could be through the roof if they started ep4 with him being brought in to pursue Mando straight away.

Now I'm worried.
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The (T*****) costumes looked like a first-time costume department - they were cheap looking and so clean it was ridiculous.

I was wondering how they managed to sneak up on them in that great expanse of emptiness. And as I was thinking this is good excuse for HT to make one, I was struck by how odd they appeared.


Though there's no reason why they shouldn't look different to those we've seen before.

Still like where this series is going.

Oh, and that cameo appearance. He wanted to be in shot so much that he immediately turned round and crossed in front of the camera again.

Well the young bounty hunter must do some of his shopping at the mall, that much is obvious from the Doc Martens boot pattern clearly displayed while he was kicking his feet up in the Cantina. :slap
I was wondering how they managed to sneak up on them in that great expanse of emptiness. And as I was thinking this is good excuse for HT to make one, I was struck by how odd they appeared.

Yep totally. Really need a Hot Toys version of that character !!!!

While there was a lot of fan service, I was fine with it......I'm a fan, so bring it on. So good !
Yep totally. Really need a Hot Toys version of that character !!!!

While there was a lot of fan service, I was fine with it......I'm a fan, so bring it on. So good !


There was a "no good to us dead", and the assassin lowered the lower part of her helmet Lando style.

There was a "no good to us dead", and the assassin lowered the lower part of her helmet Lando style.

Ah yes true. Nice pickup.

I think that young bounty hunter was sitting in Hans old seat, also in exactly the same way with feet on the table. I liked that the Cantina is run by droids now too which was pretty cool I thought.

Does anyone else also think that lady was made to look exactly like Aliens Ridley with the perm ??
Ah yes true. Nice pickup.

I think that young bounty hunter was sitting in Hans old seat, also in exactly the same way with feet on the table. I liked that the Cantina is run by droids now too which was pretty cool I thought.

Good catch.

An outcome of L3-37's droid revolution? lol

Wonder if EV-9D9 had 8D8 torture Wuher before they took over?
Reminded me of that one episode of Cowboy Bebop where the young kid wants to learn from Spike how to be a fighter/bounty hunter.

Both eps rather clumsily telegraphed their endings.

Still not bitching though.....this is still the best show on TV hands down.

I hope that was some make up on poor Amy Sedaris cause she looked awful. See? That's what a life of desert living does to a woman. Rey shouldn't have smooth perfect lily white skin and a full set of gleaming white teeth. Her skin should look as brown and cracked and wrinkled as Keith Richards' ballbag and she should either have broken grey and brown teeth.....or no teeth at all. But hey.....we don't come to SW for realism.

Sorry for the Rey interlude in this thread about the vastly superior show. I've just been irked since day one how a "desert scavenger" manages to look like a runway model.
Episode 6 and 7 will be up on the 13th and the 18th. Sweet.

Episode 6 will have OLD BILLY NOBOOZE!!! I can't wait!!

I listen to Bill Burr's podcast religiously but I can't remember when he said he filmed his scene(s).....he was under NDA for sure and never even hinted it was Star Wars....but he's so forthcoming about his daily life and his schedule, surely some super sleuth with a lot of time on their hands could scour old episodes and hear him talk about it in secret codes. I'd love to hear it but no way am I sifting through like 1000 hours of podcasts for him to mention it.
Reminded me of that one episode of Cowboy Bebop where the young kid wants to learn from Spike how to be a fighter/bounty hunter.

Both eps rather clumsily telegraphed their endings.

Still not bitching though.....this is still the best show on TV hands down.

I hope that was some make up on poor Amy Sedaris cause she looked awful. See? That's what a life of desert living does to a woman. Rey shouldn't have smooth perfect lily white skin and a full set of gleaming white teeth. Her skin should look as brown and cracked and wrinkled as Keith Richards' ballbag and she should either have broken grey and brown teeth.....or no teeth at all. But hey.....we don't come to SW for realism.

Sorry for the Rey interlude in this thread about the vastly superior show. I've just been irked since day one how a "desert scavenger" manages to look like a runway model.

You're not wrong, but you do seem to be a bit selective with this particular criticism. Luke grew up on a desert planet as well and he also had a full set of pearly whites, and his skin wasn't brown and cracked. Who knows, maybe it's genetic and he and Rey are related after all, or maybe the Force is just strong with oral hygiene? :lol As for their skin, certainly their relative youth vs. Amy's character would be a factor. I know people who sun bathed constantly in their youth and they didn't suddenly look like old leather handbags when they turned 20 - but they do now in their 50's! :lol Additionally, our first look at Rey's outfit in TFA showed that she knew to protect her skin from the harsh sun. Probably figured that out after her first bad sunburn.
Look what the Tattooine sun(s) did to Owen, Beru, and Obi Wan in just 19 years!!

Look what the Tattooine sun(s) did to Owen, Beru, and Obi Wan in just 19 years!!


Agreed but again, they're much older than either Luke or Rey so their skin had already lost quite a bit of elastin. Sun damage, while present in our youth, typically doesn't make itself evident until later in our lives. Now if there's another set of films in 20 some years showing the next SW generation, I would expect Rey to be a wrinkly old hag. Of course that assumes Daisy doesn't dip into the Botox well in the meantime. :lol
I am starting to feel the length of these episodes is becoming a problem - it's holding the episodes back. Things have to happen so quickly, with so little time spent on expanding the story & characters. we get introduced to three new side characters, but have so little time with them. Last two episodes have felt rushed. really hope that is reconsidered in season 2

an extra 10 min for this ep would have helped to flesh out the new characters.

I get the episodes are expensive, but a dozen random extras - even if human - would have made the cantina scene seem less lifeless.

R5 cameo and the Jabba droid appearances were cool
I am starting to feel the length of these episodes is becoming a problem - it's holding the episodes back. Things have to happen so quickly, with so little time spent on expanding the story & characters. we get introduced to three new side characters, but have so little time with them. Last two episodes have felt rushed. really hope that is reconsidered in season 2

an extra 10 min for this ep would have helped to flesh out the new characters.

I get the episodes are expensive, but a dozen random extras - even if human - would have made the cantina scene seem less lifeless.

R5 cameo and the Jabba droid appearances were cool

That's a question I brought up recently. None of these episodes have felt like they cost $15million per episode. I'm not an auditor but I'm only comparing it to GOT episodes since that's how the budget for this show was described as.
I am starting to feel the length of these episodes is becoming a problem - it's holding the episodes back. Things have to happen so quickly, with so little time spent on expanding the story & characters. we get introduced to three new side characters, but have so little time with them. Last two episodes have felt rushed. really hope that is reconsidered in season 2

an extra 10 min for this ep would have helped to flesh out the new characters.

I get the episodes are expensive, but a dozen random extras - even if human - would have made the cantina scene seem less lifeless.

R5 cameo and the Jabba droid appearances were cool

I agree!