The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

Man who would’ve ever thought that Carano would hit the big leagues wow good for her.

She is like in shock to even be there and also Carl Weathers is so awesome with the fans as is PP!

Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

That trailer got me pumped...

But cool your jets on the TROS... Don't get your hopes up too much.. I will believe JJ rights the ship when I see it.

But Mandalorian looks like it could be some Great great SW fun!!!

TROS looks like it could be course-correcting not only TFA/TLJ but also ROTJ (and hell maybe even the PT.) Of course it might not pan out but no way will I deny myself the pre-Episode hype of a major trilogy entry one last time. :)

But hell yeah on The Mandalorian. Cannot wait.

Ya know.. so little happened in TLJ that JJ could almost ignore the movie.. If it wasnt for Skywalker dying and snoke he could probably do it easily.

Hell he could explain throe deaths away in an opening scroll amd you could officially never have to watch TLJ again :lol

Stop trying to be me:

Obviously we won't know until we see the movie but I don't think that TROS will act like TLJ didn't happen or anything but rather it just appears that it is aiming in part to make TLJ superfluous. Kind of how TPM really could have been summed up int AOTC's opening crawl if they wanted to, I think that TLJ might become a glorified opening crawl going forward.

Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN


That's one of most awesome SW images I've ever seen.
Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

Forget it he is definately Fett you can just tell because of how Weathers plays with the words.

But I get it secrets need to be kept.

Disney + is going to be insane FU Netflix lol
Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

That's one of most awesome SW images I've ever seen.

Jeez is that an actual in camera shot if so. :thud:

My heart can’t take it.

IX trailer!
Mandalorian trailer!
Avengers with amazing new soundtrack just 2 weeks away!

I’m just not into the stiff CW animated show...yuck I love the original cartoon though.
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Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

Man who would’ve ever thought that Carano would hit the big leagues wow good for her.

She is like in shock to even be there and also Carl Weathers is so awesome with the fans as is PP!

Apollo Creed/Dillon as a freaking SW crime boss, unreal, lol.

Yet another likable group.
Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

Jeez is that an actual in camera shot if so. :thud:

My heart can’t take it.

IX trailer!
Mandalorian trailer!
Avengers with amazing new soundtrack just 2 weeks away!

I know man what are we going to be looking back on this Christmas. :thud:

I’m just not into the stiff CW animated show...yuck I love the original cartoon though.

Yeah just watched the trailer for the new season, still not my thing.

But Alan Tudyk confirming that he'll be back as K-2 on the Cassian show! :panic:
Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

I know man what are we going to be looking back on this Christmas. :thud:

Yeah just watched the trailer for the new season, still not my thing.

But Alan Tudyk confirming that he'll be back as K-2 on the Cassian show! :panic:

Jesus dude we still didn’t even get that trailer that’s TWO OT era tv series one pre RO and the other post ROTJ!
Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

I hope its NOT Fett. I hate that guy.

Most over rated character in the SW universe to me. He’s only a-few steps above Phasma . (Triggering begins)

I do not care he tracked Han, or that Vader seems to respect him. He’s a waste of a character they shoehorned into PT in the most unforgivable way, to justify the popularity of the figure, which was nothing more than a marketing gimmick.

The Mandalorians have a rich history that does not need to revolve around Kid “Clone” Jango.

I would rather see a totally new character, in the vain of Sabine from Rebels.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

That image is stunning -- calling back the original pic of the stormtrooper on Dewback (the very first image I ever saw of this odd little movie called Star Wars back in 1977) and it also calls back to animated Boba Fett on his dragon with the same sort of weapon.

Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

Does anyone know if it has been revealed whether all of the episodes will be available on day 1 of launch of Disney+? For that matter, do we know episode number and length?
Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

Rumor has it that Disney+ is doing it like Amazon & Netflix - as a dump (all at once)

I'm more excited about this than the next movie. The Bothan Spy footage from the episode was great - looks very old school fantastic. This is what we can get from folks who really ARE fans producing this stuff (Favreau & Filoni) versus the ones who SAY they are fans but just want to "rebrand" it all to maximize opening bucks (JJ).

The Mandolarian and The Clone Wars generated more excitement for me than JJ's latest mystery box.

Wouldn't it be funny if the opening weekend of TROS at the theaters takes a hit because too many fans are sitting at home binging The Mandalorian?
Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

Does anyone know if it has been revealed whether all of the episodes will be available on day 1 of launch of Disney+? For that matter, do we know episode number and length?

I think they said this wouldn't follow the standard stream model where all eps are available from day of launch, rather one ep a week. Kind of smart - gotta keep that subscription for months, stop the SW fans from grabbing the free intro month, binging all eps then bailing.

This series looks really cool.
Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

That image is stunning -- calling back the original pic of the stormtrooper on Dewback (the very first image I ever saw of this odd little movie called Star Wars back in 1977) and it also calls back to animated Boba Fett on his dragon with the same sort of weapon.


It sure does. And I think I'd prefer the "one a week" episode model. I never binge all episodes in a series in 1-2 days or even in one week and if they dumped all 13 or however many episodes at once I'd have to completely unplug from the internet for however long it would take me to go through them for fear of spoilers, lol.
Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

I think they said this wouldn't follow the standard stream model where all eps are available from day of launch, rather one ep a week. Kind of smart - gotta keep that subscription for months, stop the SW fans from grabbing the free intro month, binging all eps then bailing.

This series looks really cool.
Thx. At least I won’t be tempted to take 2 days off from work.
Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

Man Carl Weathers doing his Apollo “I want you!” line to the celebration audience is so freaking awesome.
Re: Star Wars live action series-Jon Favreau's THE MANDALORIAN

I hope its NOT Fett. I hate that guy.

Most over rated character in the SW universe to me. He’s only a-few steps above Phasma . (Triggering begins)

I do not care he tracked Han, or that Vader seems to respect him. He’s a waste of a character they shoehorned into PT in the most unforgivable way, to justify the popularity of the figure, which was nothing more than a marketing gimmick.

The Mandalorians have a rich history that does not need to revolve around Kid “Clone” Jango.

I would rather see a totally new character, in the vain of Sabine from Rebels.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

While, I don’t hate the character, I agree that Boba Fett is overrated. Yeah, he successfully tracks the Falcon to Bespin, but after that he does almost nothing of consequence (other than die in the stupidest way ever). He looks cool, but in the films, he’s just not given much to do.

Having said all that, Boba Fett was also not Mandalorian. He was a bounty hunter with stolen Mandalorian armor. And the way actual Mandalorians have been portrayed in current established continuity is actually pretty different from Boba Fett. I would think this show would make that distinction too, given that John Favreau portrayed a recurring Mandalorian character on Clone Wars. At least I’m hoping the show makes the distinction.