Disney Plus' "Star Wars" TV series, "The Mandalorian," was a massive hit when it debuted in November 2019. With season two now underway, it looks like the series hasn't lost its appeal.
"The Mandalorian" season two premiere on October 30 drove 3.1 times the average weekend sign-ups to Disney Plus (Friday-Sunday), when compared with other weekends in October, according to the analytics company Antenna. Antenna pulls data from a variety of opt-in panels like budgeting apps to track purchase and transaction data.
It also drove 1.5 times the weekend sign-ups that Disney's live-action "Mulan" remake did when it debuted on September 4 for an additional $30 fee, according to Antenna.
29% of those season two sign-ups were from resubscribers ? more than the 22% October standard ? according to Antenna. It indicates that canceling after season one and resubscribing for season two was not uncommon, especially for adults with no children, Antenna said.