The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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In general, what is "Star Wars?" The excitement among some of the fanbase for the Mandalorian has been making me wonder about this.

For me, "Star Wars" is a morality tale that is set in sci-fi/fantasy with a heavy emphasis on the fantasy part. The key for my enjoyment of it is Jedi, Sith, space wizards, laser swords, the Force, and all that. When that stuff is taken away (like in the Mandalorian), it just becomes sci-fi; and not all that different from countless other sci-fi universes. I don't find what's uniquely special about it at that point, when all of the "Force" elements are removed. But plenty of fans are psyched for this show.

When I hear/read people say, "now *this* feels like Star Wars!" I find it confusing. Just what exactly "feels" like SW about a Western-style story of a "Sorta Fett" gunslinger shooting aliens? Is the grittier setting reminiscent of the OT? Is the lack of epic space combat what classic SW has felt like in the past?

I'm just having trouble understanding why this is what some people think SW should look like, sound like, and feel like. Since quite a few people here are looking forward to this more than any other Disney SW offering, I'm hoping that someone can pinpoint what about this is capturing the essence of SW better than the other stuff.
In general, what is "Star Wars?" The excitement among some of the fanbase for the Mandalorian has been making me wonder about this.

For me, "Star Wars" is a morality tale that is set in sci-fi/fantasy with a heavy emphasis on the fantasy part. The key for my enjoyment of it is Jedi, Sith, space wizards, laser swords, the Force, and all that. When that stuff is taken away (like in the Mandalorian), it just becomes sci-fi; and not all that different from countless other sci-fi universes. I don't find what's uniquely special about it at that point, when all of the "Force" elements are removed. But plenty of fans are psyched for this show.

When I hear/read people say, "now *this* feels like Star Wars!" I find it confusing. Just what exactly "feels" like SW about a Western-style story of a "Sorta Fett" gunslinger shooting aliens? Is the grittier setting reminiscent of the OT? Is the lack of epic space combat what classic SW has felt like in the past?

I'm just having trouble understanding why this is what some people think SW should look like, sound like, and feel like. Since quite a few people here are looking forward to this more than any other Disney SW offering, I'm hoping that someone can pinpoint what about this is capturing the essence of SW better than the other stuff.

One can still have Jedi-Sith samurai lore in the background but amp up the:

OT ANH lived in aesthetics
More Good Bad Ugly character interactions and showdowns
Less kid friendly vibe meaning enough with the cute creatures and droids.
Space battles is always welcome.
If story set on Coruscant go full Joker lol

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For me, "Star Wars" is a morality tale that is set in sci-fi/fantasy with a heavy emphasis on the fantasy part. The key for my enjoyment of it is Jedi, Sith, space wizards, laser swords, the Force, and all that. When that stuff is taken away (like in the Mandalorian), it just becomes sci-fi; and not all that different from countless other sci-fi universes. I don't find what's uniquely special about it at that point, when all of the "Force" elements are removed.

Star Wars includes Jedi vs. Sith, Empire vs. Rebels, and Scum & Villainy. Those were the three core ingredients introduced in ANH. Any movie or TV show that captures all three will obviously feel like Star Wars, but so can any story that focuses on just one element. RO showcased the military aspect and The Mandalorian promises to focus on Scum & Villainy but both are offshoots of "true" SW, and honestly I think taking a break from at least one element from time to time allows appreciation of each aspect to ebb and flow without becoming stale.

Forcing every trope into the story every single time runs the risk of perpetual "TFA's".
One can still have Jedi-Sith samurai lore in the background but amp up the:

OT ANH lived in aesthetics
More Good Bad Ugly character interactions and showdowns
Less kid friendly vibe meaning enough with the cute creatures and droids.
Space battles is always welcome.
If story set on Coruscant go full Joker lol

Yes sir exactly. :duff
A rag-tag group of heroes fighting against Herculean odds.

The sandy gang from Tatooine against the Death Star
Untrained Luke against super-Vader
Ewoks against the Empire
Jyn and friends against the Death Star

I think its why the PT doesn't work the same way for a lot of fans, but why RO does.
Star Wars includes Jedi vs. Sith, Empire vs. Rebels, and Scum & Villainy. Those were the three core ingredients introduced in ANH. Any movie or TV show that captures all three will obviously feel like Star Wars, but so can any story that focuses on just one element. RO showcased the military aspect and The Mandalorian promises to focus on Scum & Villainy but both are offshoots of "true" SW, and honestly I think taking a break from at least one element from time to time allows appreciation of each aspect to ebb and flow without becoming stale.

Forcing every trope into the story every single time runs the risk of perpetual "TFA's".

Yeah, that's a pretty good summation.

The Jedi vs Sith aspect doesn't get a huge amount of play in ANH - it's more backstory and then the Vader-Ben connection. The "scum and villainy" aspect gets quite a lot of play in ANH, even delivering Han and Chewy. The core of ANH is Empire vs Rebels, whereas by ROTJ, the Jedi vs Sith had risen to be almost equal.

I would argue that the more you clarify the Jedi vs Sith aspect, the less interesting it is - like many things, and most things JJ.:lol
In general, what is "Star Wars?" The excitement among some of the fanbase for the Mandalorian has been making me wonder about this.

For me, "Star Wars" is a morality tale that is set in sci-fi/fantasy with a heavy emphasis on the fantasy part. The key for my enjoyment of it is Jedi, Sith, space wizards, laser swords, the Force, and all that. When that stuff is taken away (like in the Mandalorian), it just becomes sci-fi; and not all that different from countless other sci-fi universes. I don't find what's uniquely special about it at that point, when all of the "Force" elements are removed. But plenty of fans are psyched for this show.

When I hear/read people say, "now *this* feels like Star Wars!" I find it confusing. Just what exactly "feels" like SW about a Western-style story of a "Sorta Fett" gunslinger shooting aliens? Is the grittier setting reminiscent of the OT? Is the lack of epic space combat what classic SW has felt like in the past?

I'm just having trouble understanding why this is what some people think SW should look like, sound like, and feel like. Since quite a few people here are looking forward to this more than any other Disney SW offering, I'm hoping that someone can pinpoint what about this is capturing the essence of SW better than the other stuff.

To me it's the edge - the reality - in Mando.

One of the aspects I don't like about the ST is the soft, faux aspect - Kylo feels like an emo fan of Vader's, not even in the basement to Vader's skyscraper, Rey gets these superpowers from nowhere and Hux is a stupid, laughable tool. Finn's the only storrntrooper who never shot anyone (imagine the tension if he wasn't.) It's so soft and dumb - none of it feels "real." Compare them to Vader's badassery, Luke's struggle (to get anywhere or anything) and Tarkin. The Mando guy seems to have an edge, a reality, like he lives in this world, has been shaped by it, and just barely gets by.

Then there's the brutality of Mando - in the OT, Greedo got fried in front of us, arms/hands got hacked off, dancers and guards got eaten, parents got fried to skeletons, threepio gets blown apart. A droid is brought to torture Leia, Han's tortured, dumped, frozen and laughed at. Even poor gonk is tortured.
It's not random brutality - it's symbolic. In Mando, there's this stream of carbon frozen bodies, squidhead gets brutally owned, everybody seems genuinely dangerous. There's very little genuine brutality in the ST. Furry horses we got covered though.

Obviously I haven't seen the show, and yeah - it surely is going to fall short, and I have no idea how the helmet on/off thing will work - but I like what I've seen so far and it "feels" OT.
To me it's the edge - the reality - in Mando.

One of the aspects I don't like about the ST is the soft, faux aspect - Kylo feels like an emo fan of Vader's, not even in the basement to Vader's skyscraper, Rey gets these superpowers from nowhere and Hux is a stupid, laughable tool. Finn's the only storrntrooper who never shot anyone (imagine the tension if he wasn't.) It's so soft and dumb - none of it feels "real." Compare them to Vader's badassery, Luke's struggle (to get anywhere or anything) and Tarkin. The Mando guy seems to have an edge, a reality, like he lives in this world, has been shaped by it, and just barely gets by.

Then there's the brutality of Mando - in the OT, Greedo got fried in front of us, arms/hands got hacked off, dancers and guards got eaten, parents got fried to skeletons, threepio gets blown apart. A droid is brought to torture Leia, Han's tortured, dumped, frozen and laughed at. Even poor gonk is tortured.
It's not random brutality - it's symbolic. In Mando, there's this stream of carbon frozen bodies, squidhead gets brutally owned, everybody seems genuinely dangerous. There's very little genuine brutality in the ST. Furry horses we got covered though.

Obviously I haven't seen the show, and yeah - it surely is going to fall short, and I have no idea how the helmet on/off thing will work - but I like what I've seen so far and it "feels" OT.

Uhh I got news for you Lucas said SW was always meant for 12 year olds then he made ROTS PG-13 lol

Lucas is just a crazy old man.

He did show Anakin burn while laying down on hot sand...get it Anakin always hated sand.

ROTJ we got a very mild Ewok death.

TFA Max Von got sliced off camera and Han was stabbed thru chest.

TLJ Snoke cut in half.

I hope we get an on screen decap in TROS lol

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Uhh I got news for you Lucas said SW was always meant for 12 year olds then he made ROTS PG-13 lol

Lucas is just a crazy old man.

He did show Anakin burn while laying down on hot sand...get it Anakin always hated sand.

ROTJ we got a very mild Ewok death.

TFA Max Von got sliced off camera and Han was stabbed thru chest.

TLJ Snoke cut in half.

I hope we get an on screen decap in TROS lol

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Eh, red glowy line appears behind Han's back for a half second then the rest in close up. Nope.:lol

Snoke? CGI man? I'll raise you some walrusman blood and sizzling Beru flesh.:lecture

Talk to the severed Luke hand.

Can anyone recommend the most affordable way to get The Mandalorian for the un-techy?

Speaking for myself, I'm going to get it very quickly and very easily, without giving a dime to Disney.

The question you have to ask yourself is.....

Yeah, that's a pretty good summation.

The Jedi vs Sith aspect doesn't get a huge amount of play in ANH - it's more backstory and then the Vader-Ben connection. The "scum and villainy" aspect gets quite a lot of play in ANH, even delivering Han and Chewy. The core of ANH is Empire vs Rebels, whereas by ROTJ, the Jedi vs Sith had risen to be almost equal.

I would argue that the more you clarify the Jedi vs Sith aspect, the less interesting it is - like many things, and most things JJ.:lol

Yes I and what I find is that I tend to prefer SW that keeps it's "magic" (ie Jedi/Sith powers) kind of on the fringe or as part of the backstory. Not too unlike how PJ showcased magic in the LOTR trilogy. The military campaigns and scum and villainy portions tend to be the most entertaining for me.

Not that I can't enjoy a great lightsaber duel of course but I just think that those encounters can lose their luster the quickest if overdone (case in point the PT.)
Damn Katherine Kennedy, ruining SW some more with the pandering to the Boba FeTT fan boys.

What a stupid idea for a show.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Damn Katherine Kennedy, ruining SW some more with the pandering to the Boba FeTT fan boys.

What a stupid idea for a show.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

According to this thread and from social media, the Boba Fett fan boys are the ones who can’t like this unless it’s revealed he’s Boba Fett:lol
Both options would make me happy. I do have a feeling he is, like that Boba Fett movie was repurposed into this.

yep totally.

After the fallout from Solo and people losing their $#%t that it wasn't Harrison Ford etc etc they probably made the tweak to have him as someone different and therefore independent from all the baggage that goes with a previous character. Fans expectations etc.

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Boba Fett is going to make a cameo on this show and everyone is going to lose there ****...