The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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This show is excellent. I haven't been this excited for Star Wars since my youth...
While not perfect, they will do. This is the way.

Agreed. I will add that SW was never perfect. Doesn?t have to be. Just needs to be a specific kind of fun.

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I find it hard to get past a few things:

  • Why would the best bounty hunter in the parsec not secure his ship against scavengers?
  • Why would he be so easily taken down by Jawas (and pretty much every beast he comes across)?
  • If they need it for research, why did they want the youngling dead not alive?
I keep trying to put the pieces together from what we've seen in the trailers. It looks like Mando and Greef Carga make amends at some point ( probably since he has no more bounty hunters left).
I find it hard to get past a few things:

  • Why would the best bounty hunter in the parsec not secure his ship against scavengers?
  • Why would he be so easily taken down by Jawas (and pretty much every beast he comes across)?
  • If they need it for research, why did they want the youngling dead not alive?

1. Well for starters he?s a bounty hunter not the Emperor or Vader and if those 2 guys can lose so can Mando . He is still susceptible to outside forces be they a tribe with weapons or a single mud horn creature.

2. Armed tribe why not.

3. Herzog requested dead because he knows what force wielders are capable of especially from this species. Or maybe he has different plans.

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I'll have you know I like the OT more than the PT! :lecture


And they didn't want the little guy dead. They just told him that if it *can't* be brought in alive (due to bounty hunting being a complicated profession) then the next best thing would be to kill it (for a lesser fee.)

In other words we get the kid or no one does.
[*]Why would the best bounty hunter in the parsec not secure his ship against scavengers?

I think we can determine from the fact that he didn't have a jetpack or other heavy weaponry that he wasn't the best. Carl Weathers probably called him that because he didn't realize that there was a whole squad of them hiding underground.
I find it hard to get past a few things:

  • Why would the best bounty hunter in the parsec not secure his ship against scavengers?
  • Why would he be so easily taken down by Jawas (and pretty much every beast he comes across)?
  • If they need it for research, why did they want the youngling dead not alive?

He was very good, maybe not the best? And he?s fallible. Who knows, maybe he had his ship defended but it?s not like Jawas have never jacked a vehicle before.

As for being taken down, refer back several posts to my description of combat and the fortunes of war, based on my experiences in combat sports.

Herzog?s character said alive but dead if necessary.

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I find it hard to get past a few things:

  • Why would the best bounty hunter in the parsec not secure his ship against scavengers?
  • Why would he be so easily taken down by Jawas (and pretty much every beast he comes across)?
  • If they need it for research, why did they want the youngling dead not alive?

1) Why worry if u are out in the wastes, 'cept for the random rodent getting in and *&^% on everything. Like Han didn't worry about trying to hide the Falcon in a meteorite hole - like, who knew, right?
2) Wouldn't call it easy and lots of those little *&^%$ (Don't dis Jawas that's species-ist)
3) Suck out those midichlorians and other stuff. Carrying test tubes and whatever is easier. Doesn't matter if the asset is dead if u grab some fresh tissue and they've got carbon freezing and all.

As an aside, Mando shooting the medical droid-ball made me feel *warm and fuzzy* - Leia finally avenged!:cool:
I hope not. You know I'm a fan of the ST, but they should keep Mando separate. The fanbase is pretty much unanimously on board with Mando, so please don't ruin the positive vibes by connecting this to a divisive story. It would be best to let each one play out as independently as possible. Explaining the origins of the FO would be a good enough (and needed) tie-in; and just leave it at that.

With that said, since Yoda told Luke that he'd been training Jedi for 800 years, this baby would almost be at that age during the ST. If he survives through his time in The Mandalorian, having a young Yoda around - but MIA - is gonna need some explaining eventually.

They should. Wouldn't even matter if everyone loved latest trilogy. Forced connections and forced fan service leads to the Dark Side e.g. bad writing and cringeworthy lameness *cough* Fury's eye *cough*. Hard to bleach ur brain after, it is.
Would it be hypocritical of me to criticize the story group for the sequels yet unceremoniously praise the Mandolorian and Rogue One? Everything goes through them at one point.
Would it be hypocritical of me to criticize the story group for the sequels yet unceremoniously praise the Mandolorian and Rogue One? Everything goes through them at one point.

Honestly even if Mando went thru the story group I think Disney has wised up enough to say that it went thru Fav-Filoni-TaliBane-Oto-Wor-Gar.

If IX is trashed by fans Jannah and friends will soon make their way to the Disney secret room and will be told that Disney will 100% ensure that all of their kids end up hooked on drugs and KK will be injected with a slow release blood clot and sent on her merry way for a positive press briefing.

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The Lucasfilm Story Group will no longer be of any concern to us. I've just received word that Emperor Favreau has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the Kennedy Shepublic have been swept away.
Would it be hypocritical of me to criticize the story group for the sequels yet unceremoniously praise the Mandolorian and Rogue One? Everything goes through them at one point.

Favreau: "And then I show up in full Mandalorian gear with a jetpack and minigun."

KK's All-Woman Story Group: "We have no idea what a single word in that sentence means. Can you take our picture?"
Favreau: "And then I show up in full Mandalorian gear with a jetpack and minigun."

KK's All-Woman Story Group: "We have no idea what a single word in that sentence means. Can you take our picture?"

I mean seriously who better than him.

The guy:

Understands SW


Has said yes Mr. Spielberg more than anyone else
Knows an amazing caterer

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The Lucasfilm Story Group will no longer be of any concern to us. I've just received word that Emperor Favreau has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the Kennedy Shepublic have been swept away.
:lol Played with Tarkins voice in my mind...
I love that he wiped out the Imperials with the new gear that he bought with their payment, lol.

"What are you going to do with it?"

"That's an uncharacteristic question of someone in your profession. None of your damn business."

"Hmm, wrong answer. Okay let me take this cash and go upgrade all my weapons and armor then we'll have this conversation again. Be right back."

While this was an understandable, human (or I guess, Mandolorean?) reaction to seeing a relatively defenseless infant being treated like a lab rat, it's kind of weird that he didn't feel this regret until after he dropped the Yoda off. Pretty damn unprofessional to take the bounty reward and then come back and steal the person he dropped off, without at least returning his armor. Guy has no professional code of ethics. Shame on him.

Certainly, it seems like he won't have any chance to be a bounty hunter again. Who would hire this guy? I guess he'll have to be a farmer or, more likely, generic mercenary for hire. Though even on that front, I wouldn't hire someone so untrustworthy. Opposite of Golgo 13. Or the A Team.
The popularity of The Mandalorian might be a problem for The Rise of Skywalker, Mandalorian is setting the bar quite high... Unless Abrams can pull a rabbit out of his hat things might not be looking to good for Abrams.
It does not matter what JJ does, people are not invested or have chosen to dislike the ST already. The third film will not change any minds, even if it great....

I doubt it could be that great to turn anyone.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....