The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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IMO it's a bit premature to call him a great villain; so far all he's really done is hire a bounty hunter. But the potential is definitely there, so I hope you're right about seeing more from him. Hopefully we'll see him interacting with "the client" along with performing a few other nefarious acts. :lol

Anyone willing to off heart-meltingly cute baby Yoda is already beyond evil (plus sneering in a great voice):cool:. Anyway I already practically passed out at Mando's "will he or won't he moment" (e.g would my torture be extended waiting another week over the choice)...then finally the *ball*...awwwwwwww.......

A matriarch leader who radiates calm authority. Knives, weapons, backstabbing. Cutting through enemies like butter with *flames* a la Iron Man but then running out of fuel *realistic*. Just enough fan service like comfort food but not so much it's lame. Not having a script where everyone is blabbing all of the time. Even the warning to move - a small thing, but yeah, that kind of *realism* pleases me, instead of just leaving it at "well, cat is out of the bag now about ur actual numbers that u spent years hiding, but, whatever:cuckoo:" like a lot of films would.

Haven't felt like this since the MCU kicked off with IM/TWS (more or less).:inlove
Anyone willing to off heart-meltingly cute baby Yoda is already beyond evil (plus sneering in a great voice):cool:. Anyway I already practically passed out at Mando's "will he or won't he moment" (e.g would my torture be extended waiting another week over the choice)...then finally the *ball*...awwwwwwww.......

A matriarch leader who radiates calm authority. Knives, weapons, backstabbing. Cutting through enemies like butter with *flames* a la Iron Man but then running out of fuel *realistic*. Just enough fan service like comfort food but not so much it's lame. Not having a script where everyone is blabbing all of the time. Even the warning to move - a small thing, but yeah, that kind of *realism* pleases me, instead of just leaving it at "well, cat is out of the bag now about ur actual numbers that u spent years hiding, but, whatever:cuckoo:" like a lot of films would.

Haven't felt like this since the MCU kicked off with IM/TWS (more or less).:inlove

You mean 'Patriarch' ?
Anyone willing to off heart-meltingly cute baby Yoda is already beyond evil (plus sneering in a great voice):cool:. Anyway I already practically passed out at Mando's "will he or won't he moment" (e.g would my torture be extended waiting another week over the choice)...then finally the *ball*...awwwwwwww.......

A matriarch leader who radiates calm authority. Knives, weapons, backstabbing. Cutting through enemies like butter with *flames* a la Iron Man but then running out of fuel *realistic*. Just enough fan service like comfort food but not so much it's lame. Not having a script where everyone is blabbing all of the time. Even the warning to move - a small thing, but yeah, that kind of *realism* pleases me, instead of just leaving it at "well, cat is out of the bag now about ur actual numbers that u spent years hiding, but, whatever:cuckoo:" like a lot of films would.

Haven't felt like this since the MCU kicked off with IM/TWS (more or less).:inlove

I love that he wiped out the Imperials with the new gear that he bought with their payment, lol.

"What are you going to do with it?"

"That's an uncharacteristic question of someone in your profession. None of your damn business."

"Hmm, wrong answer. Okay let me take this cash and go upgrade all my weapons and armor then we'll have this conversation again. Be right back."

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I love that he wiped out the Imperials with the new gear he bought with their payment, lol.

"What are you going to do with it?"

"That's an uncharacteristic question of someone in your profession. None of your damn business."

"Hmm, wrong answer. Okay let me take this cash and go upgrade all my weapons and armor then we'll have this conversation again. Be right back."


Yup totally lol

There's more going on though... if you believe the doctor.

Yes it?s called IX lol

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You mean 'Patriarch' ?

No. Matriarch. The Mandalorian "blacksmith" is a woman and I take it clan leader or shaman. And I know the male/female thing for some turns into an *issue*. The reason I like seeing a female leader depicted in this way is it reminds me of ancient Greek Minoan society, where apparently females were leaders.

Without making a big deal about it, like it's no big deal that BW is a kick-ass spy. I mean, I watch "Forged in Fire" like a religion. There's a few female blacksmiths - not many. No big deal but *realistically* blacksmithing takes a lot of upper body strength. Not sure many women wanna do something like that 'coz, yah know, hitting something hard with a sledge repeatedly ain't FUN. Esp. when you slip and hit urself.:cool:

And no big deal either if Mando turns out to be super-hero legend and it's a GUY. I just need a good story and so far, so good IMO.:clap

I love that he wiped out the Imperials with the new gear he bought with their payment, lol.

"What are you going to do with it?"

"That's an uncharacteristic question of someone in your profession. None of your damn business."

"Hmm, wrong answer. Okay let me take this cash and go upgrade all my weapons and armor then we'll have this conversation again. Be right back."

THIS. SO GOOD. luv this series I feel life in me again....:lol
Wait a minute -- Greef is really Willrow Hood! He gave his container to The Client.


Luke had an Ice cream maker when he is loading up his X-wing to leave dagobah in empire. Probably had his porn stash in it.
No. Matriarch. The Mandalorian "blacksmith" is a woman and I take it clan leader or shaman. And I know the male/female thing for some turns into an *issue*. The reason I like seeing a female leader depicted in this way is it reminds me of ancient Greek Minoan society, where apparently females were leaders.

Without making a big deal about it, like it's no big deal that BW is a kick-ass spy. I mean, I watch "Forged in Fire" like a religion. There's a few female blacksmiths - not many. No big deal but *realistically* blacksmithing takes a lot of upper body strength. Not sure many women wanna do something like that 'coz, yah know, hitting something hard with a sledge repeatedly ain't FUN. Esp. when you slip and hit urself.:cool:

And no big deal either if Mando turns out to be super-hero legend and it's a GUY. I just need a good story and so far, so good IMO.:clap

THIS. SO GOOD. luv this series I feel life in me again....:lol

Did anyone even care if the Mando leader? (blacksmith) was female?, probably not because they didn't have her pound her chest and say "Look at me I'm female and i'm better then all the men" like they pretty much did through TLJ... Bottom Line is it doesn't matter what gender a character is as long as they tell a good story, that's all any true fan wants. The fact that people are watching something trying to count how many times a female talks is just ridiculous... Maybe I should go watch Beaches (oh gawd kill me now) and count how many male characters there were and what percentage of the movie did they have talking parts... it just gets ridiculous.
True. And an impressive character she is. Great helmet design. Made me think, imagine Mandalorians were traveling the universe from the beginning if time, and actually influenced the ancient Greeks :)

No. Matriarch. The Mandalorian "blacksmith" is a woman and I take it clan leader or shaman. And I know the male/female thing for some turns into an *issue*. The reason I like seeing a female leader depicted in this way is it reminds me of ancient Greek Minoan society, where apparently females were leaders.

Without making a big deal about it, like it's no big deal that BW is a kick-ass spy. I mean, I watch "Forged in Fire" like a religion. There's a few female blacksmiths - not many. No big deal but *realistically* blacksmithing takes a lot of upper body strength. Not sure many women wanna do something like that 'coz, yah know, hitting something hard with a sledge repeatedly ain't FUN. Esp. when you slip and hit urself.:cool:

And no big deal either if Mando turns out to be super-hero legend and it's a GUY. I just need a good story and so far, so good IMO.:clap

THIS. SO GOOD. luv this series I feel life in me again....:lol

Had a similar thought regarding the Greeks( see above ).

And misunderstood your post, thought you were talking about him, not the smith.

And yes, she is great, regardless of being male or female. This series feels 1000% more natural when they don't try to shove this SJW agenda down our throats.
There's more going on though... if you believe the doctor.

At first, I thought the doctor/scientist would be studying the baby's Force sensitivity, but now I'm starting to think that it has more to do with the longevity (lifespan) of the species. He's clearly working with the remnants of the Empire, and he has the insignia of the clones on Kamino, so his assignment is probably intended to have large-scale implications.

By having DNA of a 50-year-old "baby" who could live another 800+ years, this Imperial scientist could conceivably create clones of someone (perhaps someone we know) with an enhanced longevity added.

I pretty much hate all things clones in SW, but I have to admit that I'm intrigued by what a cloning scientist would be trying to learn from a baby Yoda. The Force abilities of the little guy might just be a red herring.
I wonder if the reception by fans has KK and JJ trying to figure out how to make 75 year old kid Yoda a major character in TROS with even more last minute reshoots. After which they'll pretend was the plan from the very beginning, lol.
I wonder if the reception by fans has KK and JJ trying to figure out how to make 75 year old kid Yoda a major character in TROS with even more last minute reshoots. After which they'll pretend was the plan from the very beginning, lol.

I hope not. You know I'm a fan of the ST, but they should keep Mando separate. The fanbase is pretty much unanimously on board with Mando, so please don't ruin the positive vibes by connecting this to a divisive story. It would be best to let each one play out as independently as possible. Explaining the origins of the FO would be a good enough (and needed) tie-in; and just leave it at that.

With that said, since Yoda told Luke that he'd been training Jedi for 800 years, this baby would almost be at that age during the ST. If he survives through his time in The Mandalorian, having a young Yoda around - but MIA - is gonna need some explaining eventually.
This show is excellent. I haven't been this excited for Star Wars since my youth...
While not perfect, they will do. This is the way.