The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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Didn't say there wasnt any, just that it is vastly overblown. Also, as per Ahmeds post you included, media backlash, not fan backlash
How about any of that nonsense is not acceptable, instead of trying to downplay it as overblown and therefore acceptable
Oh where to begin.

Just because you didn’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.
Simple google search brought those up which contain links and pics to some of the attacks of what people said on Twitter and the edit links to wookepedia.

She left because of the fans not the media she says so in an interview here.

She’s Vietnamese so your claim of Disney pandering to China doesn’t make sense.

That people comment on her weight at all be it the clothes or not is a issue. Body shaming actors and actresses is a thing that happens everywhere even on these forums.

It ABSOLUTELY was not some tactic or conspiracy this was something real that happened as you can see from the evidence above. The same is true for the Moses stuff you want evidence of those examples go look it up. It too also happened.

It’s a section of the fandom not the media, the media just brings attention to it.
Thanks for the links. The wikipedia edits is obviously one individual being a tool, and you will find anyone of note has had such things done. In fact, the very super pro disney types who were shipping reylo got so mad at ROS they sent death threats to the Kylo actor. IIRC he had to get law enforcement involved. I ain't tainting that entire arm of the fandom because of a handful of crazies, but that is exactly what is done to the antidisney side of the fandom.
Thanks for the links. The wikipedia edits is obviously one individual being a tool, and you will find anyone of note has had such things done. In fact, the very super pro disney types who were shipping reylo got so mad at ROS they sent death threats to the Kylo actor. IIRC he had to get law enforcement involved. I ain't tainting that entire arm of the fandom because of a handful of crazies, but that is exactly what is done to the antidisney side of the fandom.
I don’t think anyone is blaming all of fandom. But like how you wanted to use Disney as a representation of Lucasfilm instead of putting the proper blame where it belongs, people just use fandom as a catch all instead of breaking it down to a subset like you just did, which was my whole point of our previous argument use the proper name “toxic fandom” or in the early conversation “Lucasfilm” instead of just the catch all which doesn’t accurately represent where the blame is.
I don’t think anyone is blaming all of fandom. But like how you wanted to use Disney as a representation of Lucasfilm instead of putting the proper blame where it belongs, people just use fandom as a catch all instead of breaking it down to a subset like you just did, which was my whole point of our previous argument use the proper name “toxic fandom” or in the early conversation “Lucasfilm” instead of just the catch all which doesn’t accurately represent where the blame is.
In the case of a corporation, the are organised and carry responsibility for actions of divisions or employees. Fans are just individuals. Not the same thing at all actually
Here is the real reason(s) Tran got dogpiled:

1. Her character was extremely self righteous and annoying.

When I came back to the fandom and watched TLJ, I remember being shocked at how abrasive she was. Every time she opened her mouth, it was just so grating.

2. Unlike many unpleasant characters in this universe, she is just dowright frumpy. Frumpy!! I said what I said, there is not one single visually appealing thing about Rose Tico.

Looking very cool is important. Ask those baddies Darth Vader and Fett. We didnt know much about them at first, and we sort of didnt need to because they captured our imaginations. What about Rose Tico captures your imagination? And then on top of that she is snippy and annoying.

With that said none of that is her fault. Its Disney's fault. They wrote her lines and dressed her.
So do more than half the clowns on these apps. It's a weird cultural norm, now.

I do wonder about anyone, especially grown-ups, who post selfies - and nothing screams insecure attention-seeker quite like a gym selfie. It makes me less inclined to buy a sob suicidal thoughts story. And there’s the other cringeworthy stuff on social media. Some folk just need to grow up.

This nonsense just enables yet another pre-emptive strike on Star Wars followers.
Yikes almost everything about that post screams inappropriate and/or oversharing. "Son, this was where dad almost jumped to his death because of a 'media backlash."

Almost jumping to ones death over media backlash strikes me as an indicator of a really pleasant childhood where one was well liked in school and endured no bullying. So, when one faces bullying as an adult one has no clue how to handle it. Its a first, a new and terrible first.

How one handles that is by laughing and turning off social media for the next several months. Sticks and stones, etc. Which he'd know had he ever faced adversity as a child. Frankly I feel that its time to stop letting such an event define one's life and STOP bringing it up. But that is just me.
Grogu becoming a Mando is the funniest, silliest idea ever. His helmet's going to look like a silver teapot with two spouts for his ears. :rotfl

You know, theres some truth to that. But Im really not here for silly. I wasnt there for Yoda fighting Palpatine with a lightsaber, either. I really was not.

Its ok, Bad Batch can keep on outshining Mando. Its all good. 😎 whats bad is that sentence even coming out of my keyboard.
Ep 4 was better than the previous 3. Largely fun and gave some decent lore. Unfortunately also drove home for me that I hate the Grogu puppet doing anything other than emoting and sitting in the hover-pram. Walking, running, and especially force jumping, all of it looks awful.

Kind of feels like they want to have their cake and eat it with Grogu. Give him more ability but don't change the cute puppet because it sells too much merch. Can't have it both ways imo.
Khev’s words are still resonating with me.

Ahmed Jedi > Bunny Boss Fett

Ahmed Best bad assery across the board celebration just proves that so called toxic fans are more than capable of loving people of color characters when they’re handled with proper respect and authenticity.

Had the one dimensional and stiff Reva or goofy Tico been afforded the same level of care and authorship we would’ve celebrated them just as much as we are doing for Ahmed Best and it didn’t even take much effort to get him just right in a limited yet crucial role.
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