The feels were earned over the slow mo scenes. That probably is the deciding factor there.NWH takes it for me because it packed quite an emotional wallop for me where as JL was just a 4 hour fun ride.

The feels were earned over the slow mo scenes. That probably is the deciding factor there.NWH takes it for me because it packed quite an emotional wallop for me where as JL was just a 4 hour fun ride.
I think NWH has definitely shown how foolish WB's business model has been with regard to theatrical releases.I just can't see amortizing so many huge films across the annual subscription fee as adding up. I still feel like some of these are loss leaders and in time, when the long-term subscribers are better understood, many big-budget films won't get made if they are straight-to-stream.
I thoroughly enjoyed ZSJL butNWH takes it for me because it packed quite an emotional wallop for me where as JL was just a 4 hour fun ride.
YupI thoroughly enjoyed ZSJL but watching the three Spideys swinging around the Statue of Liberty in unison as a team made me feel like it was a moment I'd waited my entire life for.
Wow, spoilers.I thoroughly enjoyed ZSJL but watching the three Spideys swinging around the Statue of Liberty in unison as a team made me feel like it was a moment I'd waited my entire life for.
Watch this and have your mind blown.
I don't think most people that watched the film even got this part. I've seen reviewers confused by the opening of the film and the fake Morpheus.That's a cool video (thanks for posting!), but I don't think there's anything more to the Neo and Morpheus characters than what we see explicitly laid out in the movie.
The Morpheus/Smith hybrid that Thomas Anderson creates in his modal is a byproduct of original Neo's subconscious. That in itself is enough to explain why Thomas Anderson and the modal Smith have the same experiences (eating at the same place in the same seat, going to the same gym for the same routine, etc.).
It's basically Thomas Anderson doubting his reality and taking two approaches to discovering the truth about his doubts: 1.) going to therapy, and 2.) building an AI construct where a character program experiences life in the same way, to have the same existential crisis, in the hopes of eventually breaking free and helping Neo discover his own true reality.
I agree my favorite ABC Afterschool Special was when Timmy’s mom slapped Timmy’s Guidance Counselor so hard it broke his jaw in half!After letting the dust settle, I think the biggest problem I have with the film is how soft the ending feels.
Neo and Trinity showing up to the Analyst's house to basically reprimand him feels like something you'd see at the end of a kid's movie. They essentially tell him, "You better not act out again, or else..." It's written like a slap on the wrist, super cheesy even for this franchise.
100% agree. I'm surprised they didn't all stand there with hands on hips and throw their heads back in mutual laughter after the cat did a cute sneeze or something like it was the end of a He-Man episode.After letting the dust settle, I think the biggest problem I have with the film is how soft the ending feels.
Neo and Trinity showing up to the Analyst's house to basically reprimand him feels like something you'd see at the end of a kid's movie. They essentially tell him, "You better not act out again, or else..." It's written like a slap on the wrist, super cheesy even for this franchise.
I got a Harry Potter vibe. The one where he flies into the camera, the film stops, and the movie ends.After letting the dust settle, I think the biggest problem I have with the film is how soft the ending feels.
Neo and Trinity showing up to the Analyst's house to basically reprimand him feels like something you'd see at the end of a kid's movie. They essentially tell him, "You better not act out again, or else..." It's written like a slap on the wrist, super cheesy even for this franchise.
Unfortunately, in the course of a 4 hour movie the "thrilling fun" parts amounted to all of about 20 minutes, which was less time than he devoted to Steppenwolf status reports, seaside sweater sniffing, slo-mo coffee deliveries and Cyborg's whining about how his Daddy didn't love him. Or are those the parts you found thrilling?Yup
I love love love his JL a thrilling fun piece of entertainment.
I love this movie, for me Resurrections was miles better than NWH.
I love Snyder, and you guys knows it, but i just dont think anyone can make Matrix outside the Wachowski sisters.
The Wachowski brothers were better.![]()
He's a penguin now.