Super Freak
I enjoyed it but felt it relied too heavily on flashbacks. Half this movie is the other movie. Like damn movie, just be yourself.
"Remember how this scene is sort of like this scene?" "Yes, I remember." "Remember how thi-" "YES! I REMEMBER!!!
" "Not having to pay to film a scene in your movie because you already payed to film the scene in another movie is TIGHT!"
I would love to see a fan edit with all the flashbacks taken out. I liked the idea of him having to get Trinity out of the Matrix but wanted to see more from her perspective. I kept waiting for them to give her a phone and have her sneak out of a PTA meeting or a grocery store, while Agents are looking for her.
None of the gun fights were interesting because it felt like all the characters had God mode on. I was never worried about any of them, so there were no stakes. And they said he recreated all the past events in a videogame, but why are all the clips they show in live action? Why don't they look like an actual videogame? They should've just used that Unreal Engine 5 matrix tech demo they released
"Remember how this scene is sort of like this scene?" "Yes, I remember." "Remember how thi-" "YES! I REMEMBER!!!

I would love to see a fan edit with all the flashbacks taken out. I liked the idea of him having to get Trinity out of the Matrix but wanted to see more from her perspective. I kept waiting for them to give her a phone and have her sneak out of a PTA meeting or a grocery store, while Agents are looking for her.
None of the gun fights were interesting because it felt like all the characters had God mode on. I was never worried about any of them, so there were no stakes. And they said he recreated all the past events in a videogame, but why are all the clips they show in live action? Why don't they look like an actual videogame? They should've just used that Unreal Engine 5 matrix tech demo they released