Super Freak
Re: The Mental Heath Thread
I can relate with this. I have "depression" and "OCD", and "panic disorder" and some other "labels". These labels have been given to people for the sole purpose of selling drugs to us. Sometimes drugs have been made without even a disease for them yet. It's sad really. Like "Social Anxiety Disorder". Or as they used to call it.. SHYNESS.
Try to separate yourself from these labels that have been given to you (or that you may have given yourself through research, etc), and live as if it were back in the cavemen days. EVERYONE is different, and everyone has some sort of "mental illness".
Be yourself and be proud of it. Period. You are a fantastic person, I can tell.
Never compare yourself to others (not saying you do, but just a rule for my own self when I get down) as we are all different, no one is "better" than anyone else, in ANY WAY. Life isn't some sort of competition, like it's sometimes made out to be.
One day at a time. Short and sweet. Not even one day at a time, one moment at a time, live in the moment. As hard as it is sometimes, life is a gift. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!
Do what you enjoy, and be proud of it.
These are just my 2 cents in regards to the matter. This mentality has helped me cope and enjoy what I know I enjoy. Hope this can help some people here!!