The Metal Gear Solid Q & A Database

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Stupid machines!
CF Supporter
Jul 19, 2008
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I thought it would be neat to have a question and answer thread for MGS, since it is a series with an extremely complex (and sometimes nonsensical) storyline. I believe that a lot of folks have questions about the games, but probably feel too intimidated to ask in one of the other threads.

So, whether you have a simple question such as: "What was the cause of Snake's accelerated aging in MGS 4?", to a more complex question like: "How did Solid Snake and Liquid have vastly different personalities, when they were both clones of the same man (Big Boss)?" - feel free to ask away, and we'll discuss.

Here's one from me:
The plot for MGS 4 was essentially based on current events from the early to mid 00's - including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the controversy surrounding Blackwater USA - a PMC group that was funded by the Department of Defense. Kojima predicted, perhaps inaccurately, that there would be a growing trend for private armies, instead of state-run militaries. Now, since the series has already concluded with MGS 4 (with all of the future games building up to the discourse on the "War Economy"), has the narrative for the MGS games become irrelevant, in reference to current affairs? :dunno
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Well Kojima never acknowledged any current military action that was after the Gulf War until MGS4. I wouldn't say it's irrelevant since MGS wasn't completely grounded to real world events and deposits it's own history within real world history. I do think he blew the whole PMC movement out of proportion. I can't see the world becoming a PMC state within five years of the Big Shell.

My question is, I know PMCs became big after the Big Shell. But what I want to know is what was the cover story for the island sized Arsenal Gear crashing in to Manhattan? Whatever happened to it since it was obviously removed from the island?
Oh, if I may, usage of this word is banned:


This on the other hand, will be used if Kojima's nonsense starts to make sense:

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About the narrative of current events

I heard MGSV is about the merger of man and machine and losing yourself.

That to me is a commentery on how much today people can't live without their mobile devices and internet and are losing themselves in a social media reality
I don't like the fact that the sci-fi weirdness was all over the Cobras but I would of preferred something sci-fi to explain Vamp's immortality. Making Nanos the answer was just a quick way to gloss over not explaining it.

The only sci-fi characters I accepted was Raven's spiritual powers and Mantis's psychic ability since they aren't that far out there. But the End being photosynthetic and the bug eyes? Controlling Hornets? Breaking you bones out of the socket and climbing trees? Firing lightning bolts?

I thought these were military games and not the Uncanny X-Men.
But the End being photosynthetic and the bug eyes? Controlling Hornets? Breaking you bones out of the socket and climbing trees? Firing lightning bolts?
To be fair Big Boss had been living on a diet of Magic Mushrooms and frogs so doing and seeing thoes things isnt too far off
I don't mind sci-fi being sprinkled in but it shouldn't of been the whole basis for the main enemies of a MGS.

I think one of the biggest questions any MGS vet has may be what was the purpose of diluting Liquid into thinking he was inferior?

I know it was a plot device about what MGS1 was even about but as a story what was the purpose?
I always personally believed that the Cobra unit never actually existed, each member Snake faced off represented his emotions. While Snake indeed fought off the unit, it probably wasn't in the outlandish fashion depicted in the game/cutscenes.
My question is, I know PMCs became big after the Big Shell. But what I want to know is what was the cover story for the island sized Arsenal Gear crashing in to Manhattan? Whatever happened to it since it was obviously removed from the island?

Great quation, which I think there won't be an answer to.
My question are...
1. Ocelot wasn't really planning to launch the nuke, right?
If so, why did he go such great length for Snake to do all the act 4&5? Why not just tell the truth to Snake. Or just beacause cats do love to play as snakes.

2. How was it possible that Johnny got away with ducking out from ALL the nano shots and nobody found out, won't the system noticed that he's not sync?
Great quation, which I think there won't be an answer to.
My question are...
1. Ocelot wasn't really planning to launch the nuke, right?
If so, why did he go such great length for Snake to do all the act 4&5? Why not just tell the truth to Snake. Or just beacause cats do love to play as snakes.

2. How was it possible that Johnny got away with ducking out from ALL the nano shots and nobody found out, won't the system noticed that he's not sync?

You're confusing Outer Haven in MGS4 with Arsenal Gear in MGS2. I'm talking about this...

You're confusing Outer Haven in MGS4 with Arsenal Gear in MGS2. I'm talking about this...
I understood your post :hi5:, but I have no idea how it could be explained or that was it ever mentioned about again after mgs2.

I just don't understand why all the fuss in mgs4, why take great steps to fool the Patriots system or just to buy time for sunny to modified the worm. As Ocelot could have met BB again before dying (if Ocelot told the truth and just walk through the micro wave hall with the worm with no microwave)
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I understood your post :hi5:, but I have no idea how it could be explained or was it even mentioned it the story after mgs2.

I just don't understand why all the fuss in mgs4, why take great steps to fool the Patriots system or just to buy time for sunny to modified the worm. As Ocelot could have met BB again before dying.

Ocelot playing Liquid is the biggest herp derp moment of the franchise. How exactly did that draw the Patriots fire? It seemed like the only opposition they had was Snake, so why didn't Ocelot just clue Snake in since they both had the same goal? Ocelot playing Liquid seemed to make the goal harder than it needed to be. I still don't understand the logic in it. Why act like you want to take control of the system and you never did, he only wanted to end the Patriots/Zero and free Big Boss.

And Eva jumping into the fire was so retarded. What was the purpose of that when she knew it wasn't Big Boss SINCE SHE'S THE ONE THAT PUT HIM BACK TOGETHER LIKE A CAR WITH BODY PARTS!!

Just finished MGS4 for the first time in a few years, Asmuch as the game is really lacking up until Shadow Moses then followed by outer heaven the final battle with Ocelot is very well done. It draws you in emotionally even if you've been indifferent all game. After not playing this for a while but playing Rising a lot its really easy to note alot of Rising was taken from the last act of MGS4. Monsoon/Mistral are two characters taken from the 1 character of Crying Mantis. Some of the final battle with Ocelot is ripped by the Armstrong fight.

One thing i did wonder about Ocelots final words, he said he was a doppleganger of Liquid, and Snake of Big Boss. But i wondered if it was more than they just saying who each other was but was there a Liquid/Big Boss beef that i've missed somewhere?

& Thank god " Little John " wasnt in Rising. But i must ask, i never listened to any none forced codecs. Were Rose and john ever mentioned and if so was it of any importance?

Edit: Oh **** i didnt even notice. The final sentence of the game, was Sunny foreshadowing Metal Gear Rising!
Yeah MGS4 did just as much right as it did wrong. Ill never know wether i love the game or not.

My question is more or less the same as Pliskins, why the hell were liquids actions soo dumb to get to his goals.

The real answer's is to explain MGS2 which never had an ending
The plot for MGS 4 was essentially based on current events from the early to mid 00's - including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the controversy surrounding Blackwater USA - a PMC group that was funded by the Department of Defense. Kojima predicted, perhaps inaccurately, that there would be a growing trend for private armies, instead of state-run militaries. Now, since the series has already concluded with MGS 4 (with all of the future games building up to the discourse on the "War Economy"), has the narrative for the MGS games become irrelevant, in reference to current affairs? :dunno

Easy, it was the Patriots that wanted to turn the world into a neverending war economy, much like the Philosophers before them intended. More specifically, Zero's misinterpretation of the Boss' dream.
Great quation, which I think there won't be an answer to.
My question are...
1. Ocelot wasn't really planning to launch the nuke, right?
If so, why did he go such great length for Snake to do all the act 4&5? Why not just tell the truth to Snake. Or just beacause cats do love to play as snakes.

2. How was it possible that Johnny got away with ducking out from ALL the nano shots and nobody found out, won't the system noticed that he's not sync?

1) I always thought this was the case, but according to Big Boss, Ocelot really did come to believe he was Liquid until the final fight when it implied Ocelot remembered who he was. Who knows?

2) He just ducked out of the appointed times to get the shots. Since he's not official military, I guess they can't really enforce it?

II just don't understand why all the fuss in mgs4, why take great steps to fool the Patriots system or just to buy time for sunny to modified the worm. As Ocelot could have met BB again before dying (if Ocelot told the truth and just walk through the micro wave hall with the worm with no microwave)

3) Big Boss didn't awaken from his coma until after JD and the other AI's perished thanks to Sunny's FOXALIVE. Ocelot also died thanks to a new version of FOXDIE via Snake thanks to Drebin. Also, see my first answer.
Ocelot playing Liquid is the biggest herp derp moment of the franchise. How exactly did that draw the Patriots fire? It seemed like the only opposition they had was Snake, so why didn't Ocelot just clue Snake in since they both had the same goal? Ocelot playing Liquid seemed to make the goal harder than it needed to be. I still don't understand the logic in it. Why act like you want to take control of the system and you never did, he only wanted to end the Patriots/Zero and free Big Boss.

And Eva jumping into the fire was so retarded. What was the purpose of that when she knew it wasn't Big Boss SINCE SHE'S THE ONE THAT PUT HIM BACK TOGETHER LIKE A CAR WITH BODY PARTS!!


Liquid knew what Ocelot knew thanks to the "possession" and therefore posed a threat to the Patriots since Liquid wanted to destroy the Patriots. But you're right, why not just pretend he was in league with the Patriots while quadruple crossing them? I guess it's because he knew in-depth just how the Patriots had their hands in everything and that it would be too difficult even for him, so just pretend your someone else?

Not sure, maybe she loved her Snake babies that much? :lol