As for your opinion on detolf's, you should not be so quick to blurt out the disdain for them considering probably half of the people here use them...........
You just surmised my entire point about Detolfs and don’t even realize it. The fact that HALF the people here use them shows an amazing lack of originality and only reinforces the group think attitude that this new generation of collectors share. Most of you are nothing more then grown up Star Wars POTF Action Figure Collectors.
For those not familiar, they collected Star Wars figures in the 90s, they had to have every variation and it was sacrilegious to remove them from their packages. Their value was based more on the condition of the package and and less on the actual quality of the figure.
The only difference is that now the figures are crammed into glass boxes instead of hanging from a thumb tack on their bedroom wall
And just like then, Most of the collectors here think buying a bunch of figures and sticking them in a glass case is impressive, I call collectors like this the Retail Generation and it doesn’t take any work to join this group.
Anyone can do it, you don’t even have to have money, you can just use credit and sell the old stuff when it’s time to pay the bills.
I came up in a time when you had to work to build a collection and every piece meant something. It was the work that you put into the item that was most remembered.
You can insult our collection all you want, it doesn’t bother me a bit because it’s what we like and that’s all that matters. Most of the pieces have a story and that is what makes them special to us.
I have shared some of it with this forum and some people have enjoyed it while others have insulted it.
Without jumping in for either side, this is really a perfect example of when the mods should either explicitly say these threads are fine or enforce what many would consider this forum's format. Don't get why they've allowed it to fester so long. It's obviously a source of tension and this is the third (at least) thread that's degenerated into this kind of back-and-forth.
That because this forum is full of
control freaks that can't step outside of what they deem correct or valuable. That's the way their generation acts.
I'm really surprised the grammar Nazi has not made his appearance yet.
This thread started with a simple simple post about the Hot Toys Hall of Armor, but because a few people think it was posted in the wrong place it has degenerated into personal attacks and insults.
What an utter waste of time
Y4NK33 PL4N3T, you’re the second member to make my ignore list, congrats.