Ha ha Captain Spidey! I like your change to my post. I'd put Cable next to my Deadpool
Did you see the back of the 2013 SS Calendar? Looks like a Cable PF is being worked on.
SS should just make PFs of everyone on these rosters:
Claremont/Byrne Dark Phoenix Team
Claremont/Lee Early 90s Team (Plus Jubilee and Bishop)
We already have a lot of these so it will happen.
I was a kid in the 90s so between the Animated Series and the comics at the time I have a fondness for Jubilee that I could never have for Kitty. The characters fit similar roles for their eras, and that was just the times. Kitty wasn't nearly as important then. As important as she has been and is now, I like her but I'll always like Jubilee better.
SS should just make PFs of everyone on these rosters:
Claremont/Byrne Dark Phoenix Team

Claremont/Lee Early 90s Team (Plus Jubilee and Bishop)

We already have a lot of these so it will happen.
I was a kid in the 90s so between the Animated Series and the comics at the time I have a fondness for Jubilee that I could never have for Kitty. The characters fit similar roles for their eras, and that was just the times. Kitty wasn't nearly as important then. As important as she has been and is now, I like her but I'll always like Jubilee better.