The Next 1/6 Jedi Character should be...

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Super Freak
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
After 2-3 figure announcements from different lines of course, who would you like to see as the next Jedi figure from SSC?

ANH Obi-Wan?
TPM Obi-Wan?

Or another of the periphials, like Aayla Secura, Ki Adi Mundi, Sasee Tiin, etc.?
I've said it a million times, Old Ben! I'm dying for it since I've been watching the OT on DVD this weekend. If we get a PT, Shakk needs it next!
I could live with either of those.

From where I sit, the following is the list of Jedi figures that definitely need to be made at some point:

Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi

Ki Adi Mundi
Saesee Tiin
Agen Kolar
Shaak Ti
Aayla Secura

There can be others, of course. But these are the essentials, imho.
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Shaak Ti would be a great figure. And they could do it now, as it would not require a new female body (unlike Aayla).

IrishJedi said:
Shaak Ti would be a great figure. And they could do it now, as it would not require a new female body (unlike Aayla).


I could really live with an Aayla with the current body. Only one of her arms would be exposed plus she'd be blue so the joints wouldn't stand out as much IMO.
Shaak Ti
Old Ben
Mara Jade

In that order. I'd love to see Aayla Secura, but I'm afrad it's too soon in the line and they'd ruin her. Same goes for Yoda. :eek:
Darth Loki said:
I could really live with an Aayla with the current body. Only one of her arms would be exposed plus she'd be blue so the joints wouldn't stand out as much IMO.
NO. She requires a new base body. The Art S Buck figures are pants.
I'm with Loki, bring on Shaak Ti. I'd also be perfectly happy with Aayla on the current body. I've never had any problems with the joints on my toys showing.
Only ones I care about right now:

Old Ben - my #1 all the way! :monkey5
Yoda - he is a must have

The only other Jedi I will pick up from the New Trilogy would be:

SaeSae Tinn
Ki Andi Mundi

I will pass on all other Jedi, including all the females, unless SS does create a new body, then I may (key word) be tempted.
I think they should announce a Bespin Luke first in the HOTR and then announce a ANH Ben for the OotJ line. Then a Vader from the Sith Lords line so that we can have recreate all three of the lightsabers duels in time for the 30th anniversary. If not him I want Yoda and in a more realistic choice bring on Ki-Adi and Saesee.
Boba Ben said:
My vote goes to Yaddle.:lol

A Yaddle/Yoda 2pack would be cool. But they might be waiting to see how the ILM artists redo the new CG Yoda for ep1.