I have the same ones... Bought 2 more recently... Once u weather them the holes shouldn't show... Mine will be for noticeable cuz mine will be a medium grey but the best coveralls I can find as of right now.. Also gonna remove both front pockets since Halloween 6 did not have those type of pockets... Also when u removed the cargo pockets,shoulder pads, and sleeve things did u flip them inside out to take em off? I assume you used an xacto...
Got them from an old swat 1/6 figure I bought for £1.00 from a car boot sale
But they had shoulder pads on them hence the stitching holes around the shoulders.
Also they had a load of Velcro to stick the chest part together so I remove that and glued it in place with gel glue.
Also they had these elastic acted black cuffs which I also removed.
Think the arms are a tad long but not to bothered for now.
On one of those cheapo narrow shoulder bodies and a black t shirt which it shrunk.
I hope to have my Myers from Creation Unearthed (one payment to go) soon and I have seen a picture of him completed and I'm over the moon with him. I can't wait to get him in my collection and post some pics of him.
Creations Unearthed are now offering more masks and the Hero version could also be something that I will pick up.
I'm getting his H6 completed figure sometime next month...
Good to hear mate.
I asked for the Shape figure and that was the mask I got but he soon put on his website the Hero and Rage versions of the mask and both look ace especially the Hero one.
H6 your favourite Myers look then Psycho?