This video was brought to my attention a couple days ago. Couldn't comment on Youtube because I don't have an account set up there so thought I'd share some insight on this. I always love a good 78' Myers Debate.
First, I want to say I think its a very good attempt at a 78' Myers (Although this is Ones 8th or 9th attempt at trying to perfect it), but its far from being the best or even a perfect likeness like you go on to suggest in your video Stiff. Here are some reasons....starting from the feet
BOOTS:Those are not the right Vietnam boots used in the film. The boots you have on your bash have the wrong sole. The 78' myers sole was not that chunky or even looked like that. For my money the best representation of those boots if your going for real leather/fabric are the Hottoys Platoon Boots.
COVERALLS While it is much better than previous attempts, the coveralls are NO WAY in the same league as the Lupita Coveralls. They are way to baggie, there is no "cinch" to the waist, the details on the pockets are not as streamlined or cut as clean as the Lupita coveralls, there are to many seams on the back of the coveralls, and the color is not that perfect mix between the pine green and the navy. It's pretty easy to see this without looking at it in hand, but I'd love to do a comparison video between those coveralls and my Prototype coveralls gifted to me by Lu. Infact the proto coveralls are a bit different from the regular offering. I do see some trace elements of copying her style a bit on the coveralls but that seems to be somthing common these days.
Im not sure what version of Carpenters Halloween you've been watching, but in the John Carpenter version,
The Coveralls Do Not have a Hammer Loop which you go on to "claim" in your video review as an accurate detail!
EDIT: I guess Stiffs video review has since been removed!
SCULPT: This is pretty simple and straight foward. For my money the King of the Hill when it comes to the capturing of the Authentic 78' Myers likeness goes to Madbug. Here are my reasons. Firstly Madbug was able to capture the proper scale of the masks for both his v1 and v2. Even with One's 8th or 9th attempt on this, that sculpt really doesnt fit the proper scale of the mask. The neckline is to wide or "flaired out" and the mouth, nose and eyeholes seem off a bit. The sculpting on the mask is a bit rough and from certain angles looks more like a hard cast instead of a latex mask (Madbugs painted expertly looks like a latex mask with paint rubs). I do see that One was heavily influenced by Madbugs sculpts because it looks some of the changes he's made to his were from details already present from Madbugs sculpt. Also and most importantly....Madbug did two versions of 78' Myers and nailed them both. V1 is the part 4 cover Mask and V2 is the Nick Castle stretch which Ones customs has yet to even do. He keeps redoing that part 4 cover Mask but thats
not film accurate 78'. Although a few different people wore the mask in the film, the Nick Castle stretch is the most recognized in my opinion. Madbug did both and nailed them both as well. I have 3 Madbug sculpts painted by silentsurfer and I can say that paint does help bring out the likeness but I think that Madbugs approach to sculpting the masks the way that he did is what helps the paint more than anything. I'd like to see One's sculpt painted up by Surfer one day to compare them as well, but even then I still would think that Madbug's has him beat hand tied behind his back because of the vast difference between Madbugs true likeness capture of 78' Myers and the option of having a Nick Castle or Part 4 artwork cover sculpt.
Back to the drawing board I guess!
Accessories: I guess it's fine to borrow ideas for a bash from established artist's from time to time but if this is going to be an attempt at a run of figures stiff, then it's an Very Poor attempt at originality. The light up pumpkin was already done by Beto, so that was copied. The plaque has already been done by him as well so that was copied

. I don't think this figure comes off as an official custom offering, more than it does a bash though. It really looks more like a bash, and it's one of the better bashes Ive seen of Myers but as a full custom art figure...Not so much.