ive been very tempted to get this game but as im hearing great comments on it i think i'll get it this weekend. hows the single player????
I have to say that I'm a BFBC2 convert. It's more fun than MW2 IMO.
And I'm one of the people that has a Koto Soap MacTavish
my bad, i thought i was in the battlefield 2 bad co. thread because the last post i read was dino's (above). i was asking about the singleplayer in bf2bc. i have mw2 and i love it, i think its one of the better games out there.
I wouldn't buy BFBC2 for the single player experience. Its not bad, but the muliplayer is much better.
I wouldn't buy BFBC2 for the single player experience. Its not bad, but the muliplayer is much better.
WOOOT ! new maps out tomorrow for ps3.
going to be playing them all day.
anyone ever buy the white one that they made? im thinking of getting it but unsure of where to get it, or if it is even worth getting.
For those asking about MW2 DLC, it'll hit PSN with the rest of the Store update this afternoon.