Jack's Smirking Revenge
solidsnake owns every match, i bet he'd put you 360 guys to shame.
solidsnake uses a fragfx not a controller like most of us
solidsnake owns every match, i bet he'd put you 360 guys to shame.
me and nash kicked ass last nite !
we need to make a clan ! I need a great clan.
solidsnake uses a fragfx not a controller like most of us
i know but it still takes some skill to get 40 kills and 7 deaths. granted the frag fx owns the controller analog sticks, but still, even on PC FPS i dont go 40-7 very often.
my point exactly. Play with a normal controller and not with the noob fx 2 and let's see how good you REALLY are.
What the heck is a FRAGFX anyway? How does it help you?
i know but it still takes some skill to get 40 kills and 7 deaths. granted the frag fx owns the controller analog sticks, but still, even on PC FPS i dont go 40-7 very often.
PS: Firefly did you add me up yet? (PSN= nash13) i have some people that recently added me and i have no idea who they are coz their PSN is different from SSF names.
On a side note, i just unlocked all the Ghillie suits and red tiger cammo for the Intervention. im stoked.
Thanks p!tu. SO what makes them so advantageous?
love the different views here!
love the different views here!
Thanks p!tu. SO what makes them so advantageous?
we need to make a clan ! I need a great clan.