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Nek74's Kate sculpt!




Well, I thought I would buy some clay and try to sculpt Kate. Never done anything like that before. In fact I am using a dental pick and its handle to push the clay around with. LOL. It took a half hour to figure out how much clay would make the right size head. It took an hour to make something look semi human... It has taken me 6 hours to get no further than playing with bone structure. I still cant get it right. I am stuck with trying to get the general shape of the face. (The start of the hair and the rough ears were to help me figure out the face. They did not help.) Props to the sculptors out there! I know now your talents are worth every penny you earn. One thing though: Despite the fact I am getting no where in many --- it sure is relaxing and addictive. Anyhow here is where I left the head. I am sure it will look totally different next time I start on it, (and probably still not like Kate).

*Image deleted to keep this thread looking beautiful :p *

Yep it is a lumpy bumpy mess. Who would have thought a big forehead, droopy upper eye lids , small chin and pointy nose, prominent cheeks could be so difficult?.... (well probably not for the pros on the board here.) :p
Is it normal to continually eradicate your efforts and start over again and again?
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Those painted pics of Kate look great AA!!!

And chig, don't be so hard on yourself. I can honestly see quite a bit of Kate in that sculpt.
Chig, I can see some likeness around the mouth and chin. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Thanks, beeshaw. I have the head now, but I am waiting to get Sayid and Jin done before posting more pics.
Chig, I can see some likeness around the mouth and chin. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Oh I have changed up that face a dozen times since that photo. I smooth it out and get the detail in, and then start hacking off pieces and start over with trying to get that bone structure again. I must just not have a good eye for this.

You know as I look at the photo from the first night, I do see a couple of things that might play with. Thanks AA and Beeshaw.

Oh on the Boxes... I am waiting to get a Juliette head as part of payment to the box maker.... However, I may send the guy a Locke and a Sawyer sculpt while I wait on Juliette... I think he will start on the boxes. Keep you guys apprised with photos, as I am sure he will want some input on the box design.
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I wouldn't say 'eradicate'. Mostly it's just modifying.

BTW, you might want to avoid making right angles between the side of your nose and the front planes of the face.

She's looking better.
I wouldn't say 'eradicate'. Mostly it's just modifying.

BTW, you might want to avoid making right angles between the side of your nose and the front planes of the face.

She's looking better.

THANK YOU! I wiped out the face a few times and then decided to just push and smooth because I was getting absolutely no where or even worse back where I started from.

I will take a look at the figures I purchase of yours and perhaps fix the nose.. I forget I have some awesome examples to look for inspiration
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Just a final clean up and bake left to do on my first sculpt... I think I have finalized my Kate sculpt. She has been pushed, baked, whittled, smudged all in the name of finding that symmetry that works. I have to really applaud the sculptors here. You guys are inspiring and there is nothing easy about what you do.




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Hope you like it Allison ^^

NOTE: Neck piece not included XD

WOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!! Nice work!

FYI all you lost collectors. is releasing a Kate kit soon, and is selling the first three kits (Hurley, Sawyer and Locke) at a deeply discounted price.
WOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!! Nice work!

FYI all you lost collectors. is releasing a Kate kit soon, and is selling the first three kits (Hurley, Sawyer and Locke) at a deeply discounted price.

Thanks Chig! ^^ :1-1:

and FYI, I think link doesn't work, or it is just me. :peace
Wow! Hope my Jin turns out that good!

I got a bunch of scrap fishing net for him this week for 50 cents.
Thanks Chig! ^^ :1-1:

and FYI, I think link doesn't work, or it is just me. :peace

You are a multi talent. I can't decide if I like your sculpting or your painting more.

Oh a link... Here you go. To get the sale price on the kits you have to email the guy. (well you can read about it on the home page) He still list them at full price on the web site. I have the first three kits. They are all awesome.
You are a multi talent. I can't decide if I like your sculpting or your painting more.

Oh a link... Here you go. To get the sale price on the kits you have to email the guy. (well you can read about it on the home page) He still list them at full price on the web site. I have the first three kits. They are all awesome.

Thanks for the compliments. And thanks for the link, the kits look awesome.
Here's the progress on my Kate sculpt. It is weird to see it on a body. I am still messing by sculpting on it. (half of forehead, eye socket, side of nose, half of upper lip and cheek, throat are a bit lumpy in these photos. I will smooth them once baked again) I made a mold of an earlier version and poured in the resin and am using it to learn from. I have yet another day before I see if I did not pour correctly or get all the bubbles out. I am sure it will be a disaster.





P.S. my eyes are really bad, so I don't see how much detail is lacking until I take a photo. Any one else have any tools or pointers on how to do the fine detail?

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Put them off for a long time, but I'm finally on the map with my LOST customs! This week I just finished up Sawyer, Locke, Desmond and Jin. Jack is almost done too; Sayid and Charlie will follow later. My intention is to make 'terrain' bases for all of them - the one you see on Locke is partially done.




I really like the fisherman theme you have going with Jin. Nice work.

Put them off for a long time, but I'm finally on the map with my LOST customs! This week I just finished up Sawyer, Locke, Desmond and Jin. Jack is almost done too; Sayid and Charlie will follow later. My intention is to make 'terrain' bases for all of them - the one you see on Locke is partially done.




Well I took a razorblade to the Kate sculpt narrowing the face after doing a little homework, added to the forehead and tip of the nose, eyelid and added detail/definition to the hair and eyes. When I look at it I with my naked eye I think it looks detailed... then i put a super macro on the camera and see all the problems. I am getting some really good mold making stuff this upcoming week. I hope to learn how to make better casts. Anyhow I think this is where I pull the plug on my first sculpt attempt. I will probably hit the books some more, and try another LOST character sculpt. Any suggestions? I figure maybe in about a year I may catch on to how to get a likeness and not end up with a rough looking sculpt, if I don't give up.

