Actually it should have been the other way round; Orcrist is supposed to be the little sibling of Glamdring. So from a strict interpretation of the book, Orcrist should share greater design similarities with Glamdring than with Sting.
Thanks everyone! I'll see what I can do for a higher res 16x9 version asap. What is the screen resolution of your mammoth 27 incher?Both of those are fantastic Robo Dad (I'm using the map version because the top of Bilbo's head gets chopped off).
A high(er)-res version in 16:9 would be nice.
Thanks everyone! I'll see what I can do for a higher res 16x9 version asap.
What is the screen resolution of your mammoth 27 incher?
But all three came from Gondolin. I guess I always assumed that Glamdring would be "different" because it was Turgon's, while Orcrist and Sting were "lesser" blades. Did I get the history wrong?
You might not actually be wrong robodad. Sting was indeed a lesser blade that was merely an unamed knife until Bilbo named it Sting. Whereas both Orcrist and Glamdring were extremely famous swords in middle earth so much so that when Gandalf and Thorin unsheathed them in front of the goblins, the goblins were able to recognize these two swords immediately. The goblins even had nicknames for these swords.
Now the issue for the nerds is whether or not glamdring and Orcrists are "mates"/a sword pair. If they are a pair, then this means Orcrist's design should be closer to Glamdring (in the thorn picture that has been released, Orcrist looks more like sting).
Many LOTR wiki database refer to Orcrist as the "mate" of Glamdring. But when I whisked out my Hobbit text, the strange thing is i cant find any reference to Orcrist as being a "mate". Quite peculiar.
As the Fellowship departed Rivendell: "Gandalf bore his staff, but girt at his side was the elven-sword Glamdring, the mate of Orcrist that lay now upon the breast of Thorin under the Lonely Mountain”
Or a 1:6 scale dwarf or two from Sideshow.
The latest production video is up on TORn!