The Official "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" movie thread *SPOILERS*

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Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

They've already said they're going to add in the White Council stuff - that includes Gandalf finding out about Sauron in Dol Gulder, and his attempts to convince the rest of the council, including Saruman and Galadriel, to strike, which they eventually will by the end of the film.
All of that is mentioned in the appendices to LOTR, but not in the Hobbit, apart from Gandalf mentioning the Necromancer (Sauron) is rising again, and then leaving the dwarves (dwarfs?) alone just outside Mirkwood to go and fight him.

Should be some good stuff.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Sylvester McCoy up for Radagast the Brown?

<small>August 28th, 2010 by Celeborn <!-- source link check --> | Source: Dunoon Observer/Argyllshire Standard <!-- end source link check --> <!-- forum link check --> | Discuss | <!-- end forum link check --> View Comments </small>
Big news coming from the Dunoon Observer/Argyllshire Standard today. Sylvester McCoy confirms he is in contention with another actor for one of two Wizard parts in the upcoming ‘Hobbit’ films. We know Ian McKellen will like to return as Gandalf, and we’ve heard some rumblings of Radagast the Brown having a bigger role, so if you put two and two together — is Sylvester McCoy up for Radagast the Brown?
“I am being cast in The Hobbit,” he said. “We’re currently in negotiations – there are two of us under consideration. It’s not the Bilbo role, but could be bigger.”
It sure sounds like great casting to us! What do you think? Share your thoughts in our forum and comments! Thanks to Ringer Eldorion for the heads up!
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

I would love for Sylvester McCoy to be in The Hobbit.

ex DOCTOR WHO actors FTW! :rock
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

when i read the hobbit i imagined this character to be slightly plump.

i'd like Robby for the role
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

They can cast Shia Lebouf as Bilbo for all I care, at this point I just want some Hobbit love. :impatient:
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Too bad, he would have been great as Bilbo :monkey2

I do hope they are able to do this with McKellen, I'm sure it could be just as good w/o him. But, to me he is Gandalf.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

I would only accept Tom Baker as Gandalf in lieu of McKellen as I think their interpretations would be pretty much the same.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Tom Baker?? I've always thought Michael Gambon would have made a better Gandalf than a Dumbledore, but as he's in harry Potter there's no chance he'd be Gandalf too!

......i also think Ian McK would have made a better Dumbledore than Gambon - he has the softness and kindliness that Dumbledore should have, with a hint of being stern, whereas Gambon shows mostly sternness with a hint of kindliness!

I was glad that Freeman won't be Bilbo, i always thought he'd be terrible, but after seeing some of his more serious stuff, especially as Watson in 'Sherlock', i'm starting to change my mind. Who knows, by the time this film's made, he might be free again!!
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Not saying it isn't true, but that was printed from the UK Sun which from what I recall is like our national enquirer or other gossip mag. There's still hope :wink1:
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

MGM needs to quit being a greedy douche hole and get this crap on the move.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Looks like Martin Freeman was offered the role of Bilbo and had to turn it down. :crying
:mad: :cuss

My guess is, if it is true, he turned it down because the whole project is in development hell. He is in the BBC's new updated Sherlock (Which is made by the Doctor Who Producers) and I'm sure he is hoping this is going to be a big success. I have not felt the need to watched it though, as it looks a bit rubbish.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

I have not felt the need to watched it though, as it looks a bit rubbish.

It's not... unless you hate new Who and all other BBC stuff.

However, you maybe right, rather then wait to see what will happen with the Hobbit, he figures he's got a good few years of work with Sherlock and time in-between for some other short projects.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

How could you turn down the hobbit :gah: bad move freeman.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

How could you turn down the hobbit :gah: bad move freeman.

As DinoLast said, he was prolly forced by Steven Moffat to sign a contract for series two of Sherlock and they couldn't move forward without him and with MGM/WB dragging their feet he couldn't afford to hold up anyone's plans.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

MGM needs to quit being a greedy douche hole and get this crap on the move.

But they're in debt, how greedy can you be when you're in debt? I'm sure they're gagging to get The Hobbit done, but they need to be sure they're OK financially to give it the green light.

My guess is, if it is true, he turned it down because the whole project is in development hell. He is in the BBC's new updated Sherlock (Which is made by the Doctor Who Producers) and I'm sure he is hoping this is going to be a big success. I have not felt the need to watched it though, as it looks a bit rubbish.

Sherlock is BRILLAINT :lecture