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SideshowDusty said:
Actually, you know what, the Mistress emailed me the winners of that contest about an hour ago, but I'm tired so I wasn't going to post them until tomorrow morning. Are you Andrew, Richard, or Francis? If not, you don't have to worry about it ;)

Oh pooh... here's to holding out hope for the costume contest :D
Kenbenobi said:
Dusty, should we have received order confirmations for everything by now? Cuz I'm missing the last one from 6-7 hours ago...

If it is in your online user account you should be fine. You can even resend the confirmation email to yourself. If it is not there, then start worrying (unless Dusty says otherwise).

I mean it this time. I'm going to bed.
Kenbenobi said:
Dusty, should we have received order confirmations for everything by now? Cuz I'm missing the last one from 6-7 hours ago...

Do you have an order number for it? I cant really trouble-shoot that, it's a question for Customer Service. I would give them a call in the morning! :duff
galactiboy said:
Oh pooh... here's to holding out hope for the costume contest :D
I didn't get to enter that contest gb, and I had this great naysayer costume.:D
LOTRSWfan said:
So easy I am doubting the answer, lol

I just hope you paid attention to the question! Many people would probably put Aragorn as the answer without thinking about it... but they would be wrong of course!!!
lcummins said:
I just hope you paid attention to the question! Many people would probably put Aragorn as the answer without thinking about it... but they would be wrong of course!!!

Don't worry, I am not THAT tired, lol.

What am I a total LOTR newbie? :p
LOTRSWfan said:
Don't worry, I am not THAT tired, lol.

What am I a total LOTR newbie? :p

On a quick read of the question, some people would just see the words KoTD and oath, and jump to the wrong conclusion! Good for you!!! :D Good luck, I hope you win it!!! It is an awesome statue by the way!
lcummins said:
On a quick read of the question, some people would just see the words KoTD and oath, and jump to the wrong conclusion! Good for you!!! :D Good luck, I hope you win it!!! It is an awesome statue by the way!

Thanks L, I had it at one point and I truly loved it. It is what made me want to sculpt a dynamic Ringwraith in the first place.

Good luck to you too if you entered.