the OFFICIALLY sanctioned Spooktacular thread! All other threads bow before me!

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thamesvalidude said:
So... the spooktacular is basically a big sell off of poorly selling items (with a modest discount to clear the shelves), the launch of "risky" and obscure lines, like 5th element bobbleheads (I mean ...WTF????) and contests to win items that weren't big sellers anyway. :monkey4
All those scavenges for a pumpkinhead I would never have bought!
There are 2 spots left tonight.....oooo big fat hairy deal...both probably for corpse bride, why am I so underwhelmed????:rolleyes:

I am so bitter and twisted tonight...maybe I just got outta bed the wrong side! All you guys who won stuff or got items you've wanted for ages at cheap rates...well done. I guess I am just jealous!

Dusty and guys (even Chris) you have worked your butts off and very well done.
Tom...look at strategy dude. Your licence marketing is straying into the obscure and the patently ridiculous!:confused:

Gosh...I am bitter and twisted tonight, Having said is Halloween.
I'll be nice and positive again tomorrow!

Dude!! It's Halloween! Cheer up!!! :D
I have yet to win anything... but I know I have had a Blast!!! I got another 2 Zombies (which is all I really wanted).. got a great deal on PF Jason and am going to buy PF Demon Freddy!!! This has been a great Spooktacular and Great (but expensive ) Halloween!!!

Trick or Treat Mo-Fo's!!!!!! :D
I have had a blast at this years spooktacular I just wish they would take the EU only deal off of the color PF Dracula so he can get a new home in TN.:D
i'm having fun as this is my first spooktacular...all you guys on here are very nice!! i've got to head out for one last costume party at my in-laws for just a few hours (to help draw a crowd of trick-or-treaters). while i'm gone i hope all of you win some really cool freebies. i wanna come back to the boards and hear that somebody here wins that scavenger hunt. that would make my night. that being said.... i'll catch y'all later!!
kain4521 said:
I have had a blast at this years spooktacular I just wish they would take the EU only deal off of the color PF Dracula so he can get a new home in TN.:D

Thats the only thing that is keeping me from selling of a kidney!!:lol
:confused: Wait a minute! I thought it said the clue would be given at 4 PM pacific time. Wouldn't that be an hour and thirty-four minutes from now or do I have my time zones off?:confused:
At the sound of the tone, the time here in California will be... 3:30PM.


- J!
stupid working, wish I could've entered the contest for the Doom Archive set. This has been my first Spooktacular and I've had a lot of fun. I didn't win anything, or buy anything on discount, but the Scavenger Hunt has been fun, and I'd like to say the same looking for Freedypillar.
Two Corpse Bride things. NO more boxes should be left. Very disapointing. What was the weaon weilding pyscho serial killer then? Not Subject 57?