Super Freak
Gonna revive the franchise like Terminator Genisys.
Gonna revive the franchise like Terminator Genisys.
Don't act like Shane Black is a great director. The only films he's directed are Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Iron Man 3, and The Nice Guys.
Yeah but all those films featured Academy Award winning actors. This time he's got Olivia Munn and a kid so now we're going to see what real art looks like.
And I don't know that I'd call $100 million for The Predator as a sign of changing times. Watchmen, Prometheus, and Elysium all had significantly bigger budgets than that. Both Watchmen and Prometheus turned a profit but neither ushered in an era of tons more R-rated tentpole flims. Those will always be sporadic and not the norm.
AVPR was a low budget one-off the Strause Bros. pitched to FOX and shot for less than $30 Million (the only reason Rothman approved the R-rating). It was written by the Strause Bros. to emulate the B-Movies of the 80s (hence why it reminded you of the 80s Blob).
The Predator is a $100+ Million movie - making it the most expensive Predator movie to date and one that [today's] FOX still granted the R-rating (Predators cost $40 Million while AVP: Alien vs. Predator cost $60 Million but was PG-13). The Predator is supposed to revive the franchise, the way TFA brought back SW and FR brought back MM.
The Predator along with Logan, Ghost in The Shell, Alien: Covenant, Valerian and Death Note represent the end of the impasse that for over a decade prevented studios from paying for big budget mature content.
Mel Gibson said it best:
Times are changing though with films like The Predator being greenlit.
Yeah but all those films featured Academy Award winning actors. This time he's got Olivia Munn and a kid so now we're going to see what real art looks like.
Nah, it will take a while but someone else will come along claiming to love the first one and how his version is gonna be true to the original but also something unique that we've never seen before.
I'm still open to the way Black is taking the movie. I always hoped a Predator sequel would carry on the ideas seen in Predator 2 and it looks like it's going this way.
You ask the average Predator fan to pitch an idea for a Pred movie and 9/10 will say it needs to have a group of big guys being hunted but replacing the jungle with a dessert etc. The other 1/10 will pitch an idea like Rodriguez's 90's script and having Gladiator Preds pissing on eachother. One idea is stale and the other idea is just BS. Predators was a mix of both and look how that turned out.
Theres too much money at stake.... 100 mil budget and probably a 50 mil advertising
Movie will need to make at least 300 mill......
Now that i say it out loud, this movie is going to kill the franchise![]()
Watch a fantastic four reboot happen eventually.
If brometheus didnt sink Alien, and we already endured 3 mediocre pred movies with smaller budget, nothing will.
As long as there appeal for the 1st there will always be room for reboots.
Also arent they making another terminator? If Genysis didnt sink that one...
Because it is predator bro. Is predator... i love pred.
I wanna see pred again.