Predator 5 - Prey (2022)

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Watched this for the second time last night. It held up pretty good! I thought maybe my first viewing impression - and the positive reaction to the film generally - could have been because it came after what was easily the worst film in the franchise - The Predator (tied only with AvP:R if counting those). But no, I think this film stands on its own 2 feet.

Beautifully shot, a new original score with minimal if any fan-servicey callbacks, great action and some scenes of real brilliance. Could it be nitpicked? Perhaps, but I don't feel inclined.....apart from that redesigned Predator. The long neck, the Roast Chicken head, the sausage fingers among other things. If it aint broke don't fix it.

I still don't think Naru should return in a sequel because I wouldn't make a direct sequel to this. Predators in other historical time periods would be the way to go, assuming of course they just can't let it be and must continue the franchise for more moneys.
Watched this for the second time last night. It held up pretty good! I thought maybe my first viewing impression - and the positive reaction to the film generally - could have been because it came after what was easily the worst film in the franchise - The Predator (tied only with AvP:R if counting those). But no, I think this film stands on its own 2 feet.

Beautifully shot, a new original score with minimal if any fan-servicey callbacks, great action and some scenes of real brilliance. Could it be nitpicked? Perhaps, but I don't feel inclined.....apart from that redesigned Predator. The long neck, the Roast Chicken head, the sausage fingers among other things. If it aint broke don't fix it.

I still don't think Naru should return in a sequel because I wouldn't make a direct sequel to this. Predators in other historical time periods would be the way to go, assuming of course they just can't let it be and must continue the franchise for more moneys.
Rumor is that the sequel to Prey might be set in ancient Japan............:)
Is that an actual movie rumor of are people just really trying hard to manifest it over and over because it sounds awesome?:lol
I read about it somewhere a while ago.........
Hulu Badass GIF by 20th Century Studios
I watched it twice again this week, and this movie was not good, but not the worst in the franchise.

It's the 4th or 5th best depending on how you feel about AVP movies.

This movie was very illogical. It didn't make much sense at all. I did like the lack of CGI.The main character was unllikeable and only the brother really was anything positive, but even he was hamstrung by the main characters poor personality and presence.

CGI ruins movies. A lot of MCU movies suffer from this over design and lines. This movie was very aesthetically pleasing.
Bluray extras added to youtube today.

Thanks mate - appreciate the heads-up :hi5:

(* EDIT*) - K - just watched it. Liked the start BTS stuff, but once it got into the "panel interview" (the vast majority of this), it went very hollywierd, full of the usual buzzwords & platitudes. The animated "cut scene" at the very end would have looked cool if only they hadn't run out of money & time.

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Had my third viewing this weekend and realized something. It's long overdue, but... this Predator isn't very smart, is he? In the trappers' camp, he fires his spear while unmasked three times and misses because his helmet was pointing elsewhere. At no point during any of those attempts did he figure out what was going on and switch to a different weapon. He then makes the mistake a fourth time at the end of the film, which proves fatal. One could argue the many wounds he took (including the severed arm, also his doing) frustrated him and impaired his judgment, but you can imagine what his clan mates must think.

People speculate about the City Hunter's lack of experience due to the chaos he creates and his Elders coming along with him, but he's a lot more clever with his gadgets. Feral, on the other hand, well... he's as dumb as he looks.
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. . . People speculate about the City Hunter's lack of experience due to the chaos he creates and his Elders coming along with him, but he's a lot more clever with his gadgets. Feral, on the other hand, well... he's as dumb as he looks.

Meh - "people" - they say all sorts of silly things :)

City Hunter is a KING (dead, but still, a KING).

Had my third viewing this weekend and realized something. It's long overdue, but... this Predator isn't very smart, is he? In the trappers' camp, he fires his spear while unmasked three times and misses because his helmet was pointing elsewhere. At no point during any of those attempts did he figure out what was going on and switch to a different weapon. He then makes the mistake a fourth time at the end of the film, which proves fatal. One could argue the many wounds he took (including the severed arm, also his doing) frustrated him and impaired his judgment, but you can imagine what his clan mates must think.

People speculate about the City Hunter's lack of experience due to the chaos he creates and his Elders coming along with him, but he's a lot more clever with his gadgets. Feral, on the other hand, well... he's as dumb as he looks.
Yep. He's the Ralph Wiggum of Predators.
He's epically dumb and the worst part of the movie, which is a bit of a problem for a Predator movie.
His design is god awful. Just awful. I take back every mean thing I've ever said about the body builder Preds and Scars laughable face from AvP, I take back the things I said about the Super Predators from "Predators". Everything I said about the autism hunting cgi monstrosity in "The Predator".
Feral is hands down the worst Predator design ever committed to film.
His silly super long neck (for performers head), the tiny head which looks like a mouldy potato someone stuck pipe cleaner mandibles and stick on googly eyes. Those pathetic noodle like dreads.
The super long neck with weird stiff small head on sloped/stooped shoulders.
The "backpack" med kit that somehow just sticks to the skin on his back rather than plugging into the back armour of proper Predators.
The goofy as hell sausage finger gecko hands.
Apparently this thing is supposed to be a different sub species of Predator but to me it looks more like a related creature to real proper Preds in that they shared a common ancestor a couple of million years ago and are only distantly related.
Then there's his completely brain dead behaviour and hilarious death.
Tricked into cutting off his own arm, then tricked into shooting himself in the head.
He's basically a spoof version of a Predator.
A foolish cartoon character.
Rather than Naru doing that victory shout when she tricked him into killing himself, I expected her to say "meep meep"
My head canon is that he's in the "special hunters class" and the other Predators sent him to earth thinking he couldn't possibly get himself hurt.
Unfortunately they underestimated just how pants on head dumb his is. He makes Wile E Coyote look like a genius.
At the end we see the art work showing the Predators coming to pick up their special little guy and they're furious to see he's dead (he may be an idiot, but he's their idiot)
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I thought it was already discussed and established here that this Predator must be of the "special kind" of his race. On the Spectrum so to speak.... :monkey3
This would've been a tasteless joke were it not for the previous film.

Baby Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN
Had my third viewing this weekend and realized something. It's long overdue, but... this Predator isn't very smart, is he? In the trappers' camp, he fires his spear while unmasked three times and misses because his helmet was pointing elsewhere. At no point during any of those attempts did he figure out what was going on and switch to a different weapon. He then makes the mistake a fourth time at the end of the film, which proves fatal. One could argue the many wounds he took (including the severed arm, also his doing) frustrated him and impaired his judgment, but you can imagine what his clan mates must think.

People speculate about the City Hunter's lack of experience due to the chaos he creates and his Elders coming along with him, but he's a lot more clever with his gadgets. Feral, on the other hand, well... he's as dumb as he looks.
Yeah it seemed he didn't really know how his own tech worked. Now I have hardly any idea how to use my own phone but you'd expect an alien hunter from another world to know the workings of his gadgets. Naru certainly figured it out.

I still like the film though.
But if pressing the wrong button killed you I bet you'd learn fast. :)

I haven't watched this movie since it first came out so I'm curious as to how it will play a second time.

I've watched it (I think) 4 times so far. My opinion hasn't really changed . . . it's good for what it is, and served its purpose, but (for me) it's not in the league of Predator, Predator 2 or Predators.

I think it got overpraised because of what we had to put up with in "The Predator" (2nd half particularly - I enjoy the 1st half).

I'm VERY glad it was made (can't say the same about AVP-R (other than giving us "Wolf"), Prometheus or Covenant) because it kept the franchise alive in a positive way, but (bear fight aside) doesn't have the intensity and "thrill" of the 3 big boys.

YMMV though - we all have differing tastes after all.

I've watched it (I think) 4 times so far. My opinion hasn't really changed . . . it's good for what it is, and served its purpose, but (for me) it's not in the league of Predator, Predator 2 or Predators.

I think it got overpraised because of what we had to put up with in "The Predator" (2nd half particularly - I enjoy the 1st half).

I'm VERY glad it was made (can't say the same about AVP-R (other than giving us "Wolf"), Prometheus or Covenant) because it kept the franchise alive in a positive way, but (bear fight aside) doesn't have the intensity and "thrill" of the 3 big boys.

YMMV though - we all have differing tastes after all.

I agree. It was a solid movie, a good attempt. Something a little different, set in the past, has a different tone etc but ultimately isn't as good as Pred 1, Pred 2 or "Predators". Better than The Predator or the AvP films though.
I found I enjoyed it less on my second viewing. The first half hour or so really dragged, on that second viewing.
I've watched it (I think) 4 times so far. My opinion hasn't really changed . . . it's good for what it is, and served its purpose, but (for me) it's not in the league of Predator, Predator 2 or Predators.

I think it got overpraised because of what we had to put up with in "The Predator" (2nd half particularly - I enjoy the 1st half).

I'm VERY glad it was made (can't say the same about AVP-R (other than giving us "Wolf"), Prometheus or Covenant) because it kept the franchise alive in a positive way, but (bear fight aside) doesn't have the intensity and "thrill" of the 3 big boys.

YMMV though - we all have differing tastes after all.

I've also rewatched it recently and my first verdict still stands. A very solid overall effort that gets extra points for making an interesting, excellently paced movie and also for changing it up just enough without betraying the franchise legacy. The new predator variant looks near-great imo and while the original is one of my all-time favorite monster designs, I actually prefer that they decided to expand on the lore/worldbuilding by adding another race. Prey is my second favorite in the series behind the original, moving "Predators" down to third place.
I'm just surprised I've grown to like the Super Predators as much as I have. Embarrassing as it may sound, I remember exactly where I was when the unmasked Berserker photos leaked in 2010 -- here on the Freaks forums, an hour before I left for school -- and they ruined my week (oh, the days when life was simple enough to be ruined by crummy monster designs). I don't remember if I came around before watching the movie or after, but I really quite enjoy the designs now. In some ways they're ballsier than Feral, yet I have an easier time accepting them into the canon.

The only way I can justify Feral is by thinking of him as ADI's homo erectus to Winston's homo sapiens. With only 300 years before the Winston Predators fully took over, Feral's species must have already been on its way out. Judging by his behavior in the film, it's not hard to see why. :lol
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