Sucked big bouncing Predator balls. If there is such a thing as Predator balls?
Do you really want to know..
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Do you really want to know..
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Predators of the lost ark,
Starship predators
Predator Trek
How about Showpredators with the predator working the pole in his fishnets?
That Thing you do.
Just reading the thread about what people "like" or think should be in a Predator movie proves there will never be a good Predator movie. Ever.
Yeah original is a twice a year for me. Once in 3D and then 2D.
I don’t mind sequels, remakes or reboots because it gives me a chance to see Aliens and Predators with modern cgi and modern practical effects so that can be fun as long as the rest of the movie is also well done.
Not safe for work + politically incorrect + contains a couple of spoilery-type-thingies - but it's LYAO funny . . .
Hitler Reacts To Shane Blacks Predator Movie . . .
Plus these new sequels tend to bring restored 4K versions of the originals to watch at home. I hear the new Predator transfer is absolutely fantastic.
Ok, I just got back from this with no expectations.
I liked it...
My Predator Movies Rank as follows:
Shane Black Predator
and way last AVPR