"The Predator" by Shane Black (2018)

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Re: Predator Reboot...

I'm glad RR is nowhere near this franchise anymore. A new writer gives us hope but still, nothing will ever come close to the original. I got too hyped up about Predators only to be massively let down.

Predators was horrible, if we need to deal with a remake... at least they picked the best choice for it to write/direct. I don't think John McTiernan directs films anymore, so Shane Black is the next best thing.
Re: Predator Reboot...

Black is OK writer and Dekker is OK director.
Yet Dekker is writing and Black directing...

**** Hollywood!

ANyway, I don't care about the movie. Just hire Legacy Effects to design and animate creatures, that's all.
Re: Predator Reboot...

Predators was good, it was in fact WAY better than any of the AVP garbage.

Still, I would prefer a sequel to the original 2 movies, it doesn't need a reboot.

Yea, I actually really enjoyed Predators, I was hoping they would announce a sequel, guess its not happening.
Re: Predator Reboot...

I enjoyed PREDATORS as well. There's no need to "reboot" the series!

Good point Gaspar, just continue off where Predator 2 left from if you want to take place on Earth or do another movie similar to PREDATORS.

Another case of Fox "righting" something and then wanting to jack it up all over again. :(
Re: Predator Reboot...

While I liked Predators, it was a go-through-the-motions movie, it's just serviceable, but good, I do prefer the reboot over predators sequel.

BUT I would rather get a sequel to Predator 2 over everything.

After reading the article, it seems it's not decided if it will be a sequel or a reboot.

Let's hope it's a sequel to P2 :pray:
Re: Predator Reboot...

While I liked Predators, it was a go-through-the-motions movie, I do prefer the reboot over predators sequel.

But I would rather get a sequel to Predator 2 over everything.

I haven’t watched Predator 2 in years, I remember loving it but I have to give it another watch.
Re: Predator Reboot...

It didn't age too well and it's got a couple holes, but the costumes and the visuals are still eye catching for me, plus in combination with the score makes me love the movie like I did when I was a kid.

Lol I was watching Predator when I was a kid and now everything is PG-13.

*******. :lol
Re: Predator Reboot...

Yea, when I was a kid I actually liked it more that P1, I didn’t know the movie was actually critically panned until few years ago. P1 definitely still holds up well, I might buy P2 on Blu Ray this week to see how I feel about it.
Re: Predator Reboot...

Oh P1 is my favorite, the Predator design, the setting, the beautiful visuals, the characters, it's all better than P2, and it definetly holds up a lot better than P2.

But I also have love for P2.

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