Elvira in Coffin and The Reaper: Death's General Just may be two of the last great ones.

A world without Sideshow making Monsters is horrifying!


I too wish the Universal monsters would have continued, in addition to the Reaper I ordered Elvira also, I have all the Universal PF in reg & SSE and these will go nicely....would like a PF Invisible Man, don't see that ever happening.
$100.00 off coupon? Where? How? But then the buyer does not get the points do they?
It was a 10% of the dead line when I ordered Frozen dead. Yes, NO POINTS!
I'm getting priced out of the Sideshow Collectibles game too!

And with the loss of their Universal Monsters products, The greatness that is Sideshow Collectibles is quickly fading away.

The Monster,
nothing beats classic horror!