Super Freak
I would definitely buy the old one for $1500. Any takers? LOL. I guessed I missed that.
I think the Incoming New Grim reaper LSF have a better pose than the old one ,more aggressive,defiant
Bud is this new pose for the new Reaper been confirm? I meant that one on the picture? Thanks
Bud is this new pose for the new Reaper been confirm? I meant that one on the picture? Thanks
Bud is this new pose for the new Reaper been confirm? I meant that one on the picture? Thanks
do you know if the sword and switch out head will still be included on the variant Alex?
Things could always change, but the last info I received (about a month ago) was that the piece will not have as many (possibly none at all) switch out items at the first one. What remains and what will not remain is unknown to me at this time.
which will save me a lot of money....... Long sentence.
I was thinking the same,but maybe the new cost more than 999$
SSAlex hinted it's going to cost less due to the lack of switch outs.
Congratulations... It's a prize within my collection, to which I still enjoy immensely!
So awesome! I want!