Super Freak
Still waiting for mine to convert...

ok got mine last night, it really is a spectacular piece but....mine has the "**** debris" and i don't think it looks right, i'm thinking of emailing or calling sideshow to see if i can get a replacement but i've never done that before cause honestly i have been very lucky with all the pieces i have ordered.
let me know what you think and if i am just being overly critical cause if mine looked anything like the pics on page 89 i wouldn't be complaing but i feel mine just looks weird
what do ya think??
Should get mine in a couple hours...I swear to god if I have another She-Hulk situation...there will be BLOOD.
Awesome, I WISH THIS UPON U!!!!!!!!!!!!
I see a red x, Power.
Should get mine in a couple hours...I swear to god if I have another She-Hulk situation...there will be BLOOD.
Coming for you if it does.
nobody sees anything wrong with this?
the first 2 are mine, the last 2 are Iron.Jedi from page 89
His looks waaaay better, i think i will call sideshow to see what i have to do to get a replacement?
For that small of an issue you might get a replacement or they might just give you money off the order.
so you think i should ask for a replacement?
ok started the exchange process, just got off the phone with Jaclyn at SS (Super nice) gonna send them the pics now.